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Cassidy Nova Evans—Cassie to everyone who knew her—woke up on her eighteenth birthday feeling as if it were any other day. The early morning sunlight filtered through her sheer curtains, casting a warm glow over her small room. She rolled over to check her phone, expecting the usual notifications, but instead, she was hit by a sudden flash of memory.

She was in a giant, elegant house, running around playing tag with a little boy. His face flickered in her mind for only a second, but his piercing blue eyes left a lasting impression. The scene vanished as quickly as it had appeared, leaving Cassie breathless and confused. She sat up, trying to shake the disorientation, when her phone rang, snapping her back to reality. The name "Olivia" flashed on the screen, and Cassie groaned inwardly.

"Hey, Cassie, is there any way you could take my closing shift today?" Olivia's voice was unmistakably distressed. "I've had a really bad day, and I just don't think I can make it in."

Cassie sighed. "Oh, uh, I don't know, Olivia. I have plans later, and it's my birthday."

"Oh, happy birthday! How about if you take my shift, I give you $500 as a little token of my appreciation?"

Cassie hesitated. She really didn't have any plans, and the money would be a huge help. "Okay, fine, I'll take your shift tonight."

"You're the best! I'll send you the money right now. Okay, bye!" Olivia hung up before Cassie could respond.

Cassie set her phone down and lay back on her bed with a sigh. It was always like this—Olivia's problems seemed to trump everything else. Olivia was the daughter of a wealthy businessman who made her get a job at Happy's Diner in order to show her responsibility. Still, $500 was hard to refuse.

Cassie finally got out of bed and got ready, her morning routine mechanical: a quick shower, a brush through her long brown hair, and a touch of mascara and eyeliner. Pulling on her uniform, she walked out into the kitchen where her best friend and roommate, Dylan, was making grilled cheese.

"Happy Birthday, Cassie," Dylan said, turning around with a smile. "I made food, so I hope you're hungry."

"For your cooking? Always!" she replied, returning his smile.

Dylan noticed her uniform and frowned. "You got called in on your birthday?"

"Unfortunately. Olivia asked me to take her shift and offered me $500. It was too good to pass up, but it's a double, so I'll be working pretty much all day."

Dylan leaned on the island counter across from her. "I'm sorry, Cassie, that genuinely sucks. But don't worry because when you get home, we'll have the best time ever!"

Cassie smiled a little and ate her grilled cheese. Dylan cleaned up the kitchen, and soon she was out the door, heading to Happy's Diner.

As she walked to the diner, Cassie couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The memory that had flashed in her mind earlier kept resurfacing. Who was that boy? Why did the house seem so familiar? And why couldn't she remember it until now?

The day dragged on at the diner. Cassie took orders, refilled coffee cups, and tried to keep her mind off the strange memory. But every now and then, she'd see a flash of those blue eyes, and it would stop her in her tracks.

Toward the end of her shift, an extremely attractive boy walked in. He had dark brown hair and sat in a booth all the way in the corner of the diner, secluded from everyone else. Cassie walked back over to the host stand after serving a customer.

"Cassie you have another customer in the back booth, he just walked in a few minutes ago." Her coworker Ben said.

Cassie nodded and walked over to take his order, adopting her usual sweet but fake customer service tone.

"Hi, I'm Cassie, and I'll be your server today. What drinks can I get you started with?"

The boy finally looked up at her, and their eyes met. Cassie felt chills run down her spine as she recognized those same blue eyes from her memory. She was taken aback, her heart racing.

"I'll just have a water," he said coldly.

"Okay, perfect. One water coming up! Can I also get you started with any appetizers?" she asked, trying to regain her composure.

He looked back at his phone, not even acknowledging her. "No, just the water."

Cassie sighed and walked away, trying not to let him spoil her mood on her birthday. She got him his water and returned to his table.

"Have you had a chance to look at the menu? Are you ready to order?" she asked cautiously.

"No, just the water is fine," he replied dismissively, not looking up from his phone.

She nodded and walked back to the host stand, stealing glances at him whenever she could. The night wore on, and Cassie couldn't help but wonder who he was and why he seemed so familiar. She occasionally checked on him, but he made it clear he wanted to be left alone.

As closing time approached, she walked over to his table. "Hey, I just wanted to give you a heads up that we're about to close in 15 minutes."

He looked up at her, those ocean blue eyes locking onto hers again. Without saving anything, he started to walk out.

Cassie watched him leave, puzzled as to why he had sat there for so long just for a water. She began cleaning the table and noticed a napkin with something written on it. Picking it up, she read the words: "Happy Birthday, Cass."

Her heart skipped a beat and she was taken aback. How did he know her name? And more importantly, who was he? Cassie stood there, staring at the napkin, feeling more confused and intrigued than ever before.

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