Chapter 4

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It's quarter to seven
That boys at the door
And her daddy ushers him in
And when he takes off his cap
They all start to cry
Cause this mornin where his hair had been
Softly she touches just skin

And they go dancing
Around and around without any cares
And her very first true love is holding her close
And for a moment she isn't scared

It was a quarter to seven, and Corki was busily doing Jodi's makeup. Sun Hi was blogging, when there was a knock at the door.

Corki quickly tied a scarf around Jodi's head. It was white, the same color as her dress.

"Come in!" Corki called.

The door opened to reveal Caleb, with a hat on. He was in a suit and tie. "Caleb?" Jodi asked.

"I didn't know how to ask," he said. "I didn't know how to ask the most beautiful girl in the world to prom. So, I didn't. But that was a mistake."

Caleb took Jodi's hands. "Jodi Mappa, will you go to prom with me?" he asked.

Jodi nodded. "I, um, also have something else to show you," he said, letting go of her hands.

Caleb took off his hat, revealing a cleanly shaved head. All three girls gasped, and Jodi went into Caleb's arms. Corki, Sun Hi, and Jodi all began to cry.

Jodi linked her arm with Caleb's, and they went off to have dinner. dinner.....

Caleb pulled out a chair for Jodi at her table. "This is so perfect," she said to him. "Thank you."

"Thank me?" Caleb asked. "No, Jodi, thank you. You're coming to prom with me. This is the best night ever."

Jodi giggled. The two ate dinner, laughing and talking as if nothing had ever happened.

Then, it was time for prom. The two began driving towards the school gym. "Caleb," Jodi said shakily.

"Jodes, you okay?" Caleb asked.

"I'm having second thoughts," she replied. "What will people say?"

Caleb rested his hand on top of her's on the middle concel. "No one is going to say anything," he replied. "I promise."

Jodi nodded, taking a deep breath.

The two entered the school. Caleb took Jodi's hand. Right as they were about to enter the gym, Jodi stopped. "You okay?" Caleb asked.

"I just need to thank you," Jodi replied. "Through the treatments, the chemo, even when we just found out, you have been there. Through the nights I couldn't sleep and anuck into your dorm. The nights I was sick and you snuck into mine. Thank you Caleb, you're the best boyfriend."

"Well, you'd be the same if you were in my position," Caleb replied. "But you're welcome I guess."

Jodi linked her arm with Caleb's again. "Let's go," she said, and the two walked into the gym.

As soon as they entered, there was a massive round of applause. Jodi could feel herself blushing. She looked out on the crowd and realized that all the girls were wearing scarves on their heads and all the boys were completely bald. "Caleb," she whispered. "You, you did this?"

"Not just me," he replied. "Corki and Sun Hi helped."

As if on cue, Sun Hi and Corki came walking up to the pair. Jodi hugged them. "We could let you suspect anything," Corki explained. "So we told Caleb to get you early. When you left we shaved."

Jodi hugged them once more. "You guys rock," she said.

Jared and Dylan came up. Both of their heads without even one hair. They hugged Jodi. "You people are the best friends ever," she said through her tears.

"Jodes, are you crying?" Caleb asked.

"Yeah," she replied. "But these are tears of joy. What did I ever do to deserve you people?"

The girls giggled. The guys chuckled. Suddenly, there was a tap of the mic. "Can I have everyone's attention?" Ms. Diona asked.

Everyone turned toward the stage. "It is time to announce the prom king and queen," Ms. Diona said.

Me. Stark brought out two crowns. One an actual crown, the other a tiara. "Now, by a very close vote," Ms Diona began. "The prom king is none other than Caleb Davis!"

Caleb smiled and went up to receive his crown. "Now," Ms. Diona continued. "The prom queen is someone very deserving. She has worked hard and, somehow, has managed to not miss a lot of school. It was an almost unanimous vote by the student body on who this was. And, your prom queen is Jodi Mappa, please take your place on stage."

Jodi took her place on the stage. Caleb smiled at her. Mr. Stark placed the tiara on top of her scarf. She thanked him. "Now, in McKendrick Prep tradition, the king and queen will now share a special dance," Ms. Diona said. "Jodi, Caleb, the floor is your's."

Caleb helped Jodi off the stage. A slow song began playing. Jodi recognized it. It was a song about a girl named Sara Beth. She had only heard it once before, but it seemed so perfect for the occasion.

Jodi leaned in with Caleb. And they danced. They went around and around, and they didn't have a care in the world. Caleb held her hands, almost in a protective way. And for that moment, that one little three minutes song, Jodi wasn't afraid.

Tada!!!!! I told you guys, then ending is super sweet! Anyways, "Corki Lies" is up, so go check that out! It's even more sad than this, so...
Anyways, don't forget to comment and vote!

Thank you and Lacey!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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