Character sheet

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Gambit V. Reverenth: Human Fighter level-3, Sorcerer level-5

 Reverenth: Human Fighter level-3, Sorcerer level-5

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Armor class 15 (Light Armor)

Hit Points 69

Speed 30 ft.

[Strength = +0(11)] [Dexterity = +2(14)] [Constitution = +1(12)] [Intelligence = +3(17)] [Wisdom = +2(14)] [Charisma = +2(15)]

Passive Perception [16], Passive Investigation [13], Passive Insight [12]

Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Primordial

Abilities and Spells:

Shadow Summon (homebrew): Gambit can summon a medium sized creature of his choice to aid him in combat. The creature must be chosen from a predetermined list, and it should be thematically appropriate for a shadowy warrior. This creature acts similarly to the Echo Knight's echo, providing Gambit with tactical advantage and abilities.

Vorg (Shadow Summon):

Blink: Gambit can vanish from his current plane of existence and appear in another plane, then he returns to an unoccupied space from a short distance from where he vanishes.

Dispel Magic: Gambit can dispel any magic if the magic is equal or less than his own.

Fog Cloud: Creates a large sphere of fog centered on an area of Gambit's choosing, making the area heavily obscured.

Gust: Air manipulation.

Mage Hand: Summons a spectral, floating hand that Gambit could control from a distance.

Mending: Repairs any object in touches, even magical items but can't restore magic.

Misty Steps: Briefly surrounded by mist and teleport a short distance.

Thunderclap: Gambit can create a burst of thunderous sound that can be heard up to 100 feet away.

True Strike: Grants Gambit a brief insight on the target's defenses and weakness.

See Invisibility: Grants Gambit the ability to see invisible creatures and objects.

Shatter: Creates a loud noise, painfully intense, erupts from a point of Gambit's choosing within range.

Fighter Subclass (Homebrew):

Fighter Subclass (Homebrew):

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This is basically me playing solo DND, and writing the adventure in a story form format

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This is basically me playing solo DND, and writing the adventure in a story form format. I heard this is good way for creating character story and when you're not quite experience in making up your own original story, like me. There will be heavily homebrewed and improvised, so, yeah! Also if you're wondering why my character is Lvl 5 instead of Lvl 1, well that's because it's for story purposes, and also since I'm playing one character instead of two, having Gambit a bit buff in the beginning would be beneficial considering the monsters he would encounter in the PJOC universe 

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