the past (parte 1)

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°°°°ستلا من اصول أسترالية تعيش في مدينة مع والديها كانت تعمل اجباريا لتجني مال لابيها كان عملها ليلي لتتمكن ان تدرس في صباح كانت ستيلا فتاة جميلا و ذكية لكن وقحة و متمردة كانت في سن العاشرة من عمرها و علاوة على ذلك كانت والدتها تتلقى الضرب من عند والدها المدمن في كل ليلة يقهرها
سمعها صوت امها الذي  يخرج من حنجرتها  من الم و عذاب و ما كان يقهرها اكثر عندما ترى والدها يخون امها امام عينها °°°°
في احدى الليالي ، عادت ستلا من عمل و مال في يديها و لكن كان الباب مفتوح قليلا فدخلت ببطئ و رأت غرفة والديها مغلقة بفجأة اسصتدم شئ في باب مع صرخة مألوفة توسعت عين ستلا و كبحة قبضتها التي تجمع فيها المال و دموع تبدأ تتجمع في عينيها و هي تتمتم: ماما ... فقط ...
فتح الاب ببطئ باب و أمسك شعر ستلا قائلا : هل احضرت المال
اومئت ستلا براسها ببطئ و هي تنظر لامها مستلقية على أرضي وجهها مليئ بالكدمات و تصدر أصوات الألم . أخذ الاب المال و دفع ستلا على الارض و عاد يضرب في زوجته لم تتحمل ستلا و تقدمت تمسك في سروال ابيها زاحفة تأن فدفعها مرة أخرى فاستجمعت قواها و أخذت مزهرية و تقدمت الى ابيها من وراءه ثم كسرت المزهرية على رأسه فسقط على أرضي  ببطئ و يداه تنتقل الى رأس المليئ بالدماء توسعت عين الأم و هي تحاول صراخ لكن لم تستطيع تغرس اضافر اصابعها في خديها لكن ستلا كانت تداعب رأس والدها و تبتسم و تقول: كم ستشتاق اليك عاشقاتك...و كم سأشتاق لعذابك ...فقط حان وقتك لذهاب الى عالمك الخاص...
كانت يداها مليئة بدمائه و تتوجه الى امها كان وجهها شاحب و اضافر اصابعها مغروسة على خديها خافت ستلا من منظر والدتها فقبلتها من جبنها و هي تمسح دماء ابيها في ثوب امها الابيض

كانت يداها مليئة بدمائه و تتوجه الى امها كان وجهها شاحب و اضافر اصابعها مغروسة على خديها خافت ستلا من منظر والدتها فقبلتها من جبنها و هي تمسح دماء ابيها في ثوب امها الابيض

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°°°°Stella is of Australian origin and lives in a city with her parents. She was forced to work to earn money for her father. Her work was at night so that she could study in the morning. Stella was a beautiful and intelligent girl, but she was rude and rebellious. She was ten years old. On top of that, her mother was being beaten by her addict father every night. She heard her mother's voice coming out of her throat from pain and torment. What made her more angry was when she saw her father betraying her mother in front of her eyes. °°°°
One night, Stella returned from work with money in her hands, but the door was slightly open. She entered slowly and saw her parents' room closed. Suddenly, something hit the door with a familiar scream. Stella's eyes widened and she held back her fist that was collecting money. Tears began to gather in her eyes as she muttered: Mom... just...
The father slowly opened the door and grabbed Stella's hair, saying: Did you bring the money?
Stella nodded slowly as she looked  Her mother was lying on the floor, her face was full of bruises and she was making sounds of pain. The father took the money and pushed Stella to the floor and started hitting his wife. Stella couldn't stand it and came forward, grabbing her father's pants, crawling and groaning. He pushed her again, so she gathered her strength and took a vase and went to her father from behind, then broke the vase on his head. He fell to the floor slowly, his hands moving to his head, which was covered in blood. The mother's eyes widened as she tried to scream, but she couldn't. She dug her fingernails into her cheeks, but Stella was caressing her father's head and smiling and saying: How much your lovers will miss you... and how much I will miss your suffering... it's just time for you to go to your own world. Her hands were full of his blood and she headed to her mother. Her face was pale and her fingernails were dug into her cheeks. Stella was afraid of the sight of her mother, so she kissed her out of cowardice as she wiped her father's blood on her mother's white dress.

 Stella was afraid of the sight of her mother, so she kissed her out of cowardice as she wiped her father's blood on her mother's white dress

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