Chapter Fourteen

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Sunpaw's eyes snapped open, and her breathing became fast and irregular. She had never really heard of the Dark Forest much, apart from it being a place where only the most evil cats go after StarClan. The mere thought of Shadeclaw getting his nine lives from that place was enough to make her feel sick.

Right on cue, Shadeclaw's authoritative growl sounded from the Highledge, and Sunpaw dragged herself to her feet.

'Could all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Highledge for a Clan meeting!'

Most of the Clan was already assembled, and Sunpaw joined Thrushpaw at the foot of the large boulder. Shadeclaw cleared his throat once everyone was sat, and the Clan straightened up to hear him speak.

'I received my nine lives last night, and I am now known as Shadestar,' he announced, his eyes sparkling with satisfaction.

'Shadestar!' 'Shadestar!' The whole Clan chanted his name, but Sunpaw noticed that Mapleshine, Iceleap and Frostshine were the loudest.

Shadestar gave them an oily smile, his sharp teeth glittering in the morning lig​​ht. 'Ivystar was an incredible leader, and my grief knows no bounds. I can only hope to continue what she started, and be as noble and kind as she was. However, while I will strive to keep our old practices and traditions, my leadership will bring about many alterations I see as...beneficial to our ever-changing Clan.'

Sunpaw and Thrushpaw exchanged worried glances as ThunderClan broke into chatter. Clearly, they were all thinking the same thing as they were; what did Shadestar mean?

'This leads very nicely into my next point.' He grinned widely, raising his voice by way of placing the Clan back under his control. 'I have some new...friends I'd like to introduce to you.' Come now, don't be shy.'

Shadestar turned and beckoned to a small group of cats hiding in the trees. Their fur was matted in places, and chunks of it were missing entirely. They all had sharp claws and yellowing teeth, and there was a wild look in their eyes that made Sunpaw shrink back.

She stared at them for a moment longer, familiarity creeping into her feeling of distrust. Eventually, Sunpaw realised they were the same rogues as the ones in her dream, and she presumed that they must have been the same rogues as the ones ShadowClan had described. As she looked around, she perceived that she was not the only one who had noticed.

'Don't worry, they won't hurt you,' Shadestar reassured. 'Why don't we introduce ourselves?' Sunpaw noticed that it was more of an order than a question. One of the rogues, a sleek black she-cat with startling green eyes, whispered in Shadestar's ear. She stepped forward confidently, her expression matching his.

'My name is Viper,' she purred. 'And this is Dawn,' she pointed to a golden she-cat, 'Rowan, Hemlock, Flint, Jade, Ash, Hawk, Lily, Vixen, Thorn, Ivy, Scarlet, Opal, Jasmine, and Hazel.' She introduced them all with a flick of her muzzle, smiling a little too widely. 'I'm delighted to meet you all, and I know my friends are too.'

'Thank you, Viper,' Shadestar touched her lightly on the shoulder with the tip of his tail. 'I'm sure we will all become good time.' He faltered slightly, glancing at the Clan. The majority stared stony-faced at the scraggly group of rogues standing before them.

'We must do our best to welcome them into the Clan, and-' Shadestar began.

'What about the new deputy?' Mintstripe interrupted.

'Ah, yes,' Shadestar turned his bright orange gaze on her. 'I have deliberated over the choice, as I know that almost every cat here would be capable of the role. However, I have made my decision. Viper will be our new deputy.'

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