May 11th, 1965

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Chosen Bride

The news came like a storm, sudden and inescapable. Aike had asked the king for my hand, and now the village was buzzing with excitement. My heart felt heavy, barely allowing me to breathe. I sat outside my tent, trying to calm my racing thoughts, but they kept circling back to the same question: Did I want to become a wife? Or simply tend to my warrior duties where everything seemed simpler and safer?

Ama approached me, her eyes filled with concern. She sensed my turmoil but knew better than to pressure me to open up. Instead, she offered her comforting presence, her silence more valuable than any words could be. I tried to smile at her, but it felt hollow, the expression not reaching my eyes.

"Sheba," Ama said softly, "you can talk to me, you know. You've been quiet since I told you about Aike's proposal."

I shook my head, unable to find the words. How could I explain the whirlwind of emotions inside me? The love I felt for the camp, the duty towards my people, and the fear of a future being decided without my consent. Not that I didn't love Aike, but those past weeks, I had my doubts, observing how he was treating Aku. He was obsessed with the law, and my father, so much so that I felt second. That didn't matter much, and it all came down to him being closer to the King, and having conjugal ties with him. I wished that my father would've talked to me before making a decision that should've been mine.

Ama sighed and gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze before walking away, leaving me in my weltering thoughts. My eyes followed her retreating form, grateful for her understanding but still feeling the crushing weight of solitude.

The day wore on, a group of wise women arrived at my tent, their faces radiant with joy. They carried baskets filled with gifts and supplies for the ceremonial preparations. The sight of them stirred something within me that was similar to dread and resignation. The celebration of my impending marriage was underway, and there was no escaping it. I did not have the luxury of keeping alone, away from the attention and praising chants of the women from the village. Their cheering voices pained me, and I could not allow them to notice my lack of enthusiasm. I had to look excited, like all the young virgins of the tribe.

"Come, child," one of the women said kindly, taking my hand. "We have much to do to prepare you for tonight."

Tonight. That word left an intriguing bitter taste in my mouth. According to the customs, a dowry would be given in my name, and I'd meet Aike, sealing the proposal.

The women led me to a secluded area, where a makeshift canopy had been set up. The air was crammed with the soothing scent of lotus flowers, their delicate fragrance appeasing my troubled mind. The women worked with practiced hands, their movements gentle and precise as they began the ritual bathing. I was naked, a pair of flower crowns secured on my bosoms. I held them in place, as the chill breeze kissed my buttocks. I gasped, my eyes begging the women to cover me for privacy. But they carried on, patting me gently with the lotus leaves, their laughs harmonizing.

"Oh child, this is a necessary step to prepare you for your future mate," one of them said, jingling her eyebrows. Unsure about what she was hinting to me about, I tightened my arms around my breasts.

"You'll have to get used to it," another added, her lustful statement taunting me. "He'll have to see you that way when you become his wife."

My mind took me somewhere, on my bedding's woven fabrics, lying in the thick wool blankets. My bosoms were adorned with a harness of cowrie shells, and my skin saturated with fragrant oils and herbs known for their softening and aromatic properties. I felt a manly grip around my neck, but gentle at the same time. Someone's breath greeted my shoulders and his chin looking for a place to rest on my skin. The flickering light of an oil lamp casting soft, dancing shadows on the walls, creating an intimate atmosphere. A pair of lips reached for mine, and I flinched, a sudden jolt of realization hitting me. It wasn't Aike I desired. That soft touch and warm presence, were far more electrifying than anything I had ever felt with Aike. It was James.

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