1. I'll hate you 'till death do us part

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Milie's POV

I hate a lot of things: dark chocolate, heat, failure, rudeness, traffic jams, pineapples and Jay. Jay had the ability to infuriate people in a manner which should be studied. That's probably the only thing he's good at. And at the moment, he showcased this wonderful talent of his in the middle of our history class.

"I believe Milie is wrong. George Clemenceau didn't die on the 20th of November but on the 24th" He objected, standing up as though someone had asked for his opinion.

"24th? Did you even attend this lesson? The textbook clearly says he died-" I attempted to defend myself as i scanned the textbook, only to realise that he was right...FOR ONCE.

There was nothing as aggravating as the smug smile that was plastered on his face when i had realised my mistake. I rolled my eyes as the teacher praised him for his correction. I sat down, my arms crossed and my eyebrows furrowed. He followed me (as usual) and sat down as well.

Did i fail to mention he was my seat mate? Well there.

Him being beside me only led to the continuous deterioration of my mood. His smile didn't leave his face once until the bell rang.

I took my books off the table and into my back as Jay leaned his head on his hand, facing me.

"Make sure to read your notes tonight, okay? Having to correct you on basic knowledge isnt fun."

As his irritating voice echoed the room, only 3 words came to my mind as i was trying my best to be the bigger person.

Jerk. Jerk. And


He chuckled at my outburst.

"Hey! It's not my fault you were unprepared. Shouldn't you be thanking me for helping you out?"

"I'd rather drink a gorilla's piss then thank you for anything." I spat, as I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked towards the door. 

 The thought of strangling him miraculously didn't cross my mind today. Okay maybe it did once. Or twice. Or more- I stopped keeping count after twelve.

As my foot stepped out of class, something or rather someone, jumped at me along with a yell, earning stares from passing students.

"Soyeon," I whispered my friends name while my hand was placed on my chest from shock

"are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I glared at the shorter blonde girl who was uncontrollably laughing at the 'prank' she had just executed.

"I tried to talk her out of it but you know how she is." A taller, black haired girl who was leaning against the wall explained.

"B+ for effort." I replied to Wonyoung's report.

I might hate a lot of things but there are two people i will never hate; Soyeon and Wonyoung.

Soyeon and i had been bestfriends since kindergarden. She became a younger-older sister to me since the day she spat in a boy's eye for calling me ugly.

And Wonyoung was my brother's girlfriend. We met about two years ago when my older brother introduced her to me and we've been stuck to the hip since then.

These two girls were the biggest blessing I'd recieved and I thanked God for them every day; I don't know where i would've been if they hadn't stuck by my side.

"I promise you, if you pull a trick like that again i'll make sure to rip all your TXT posters. ALL of them." I threatened and she dramatically gasped, covering her mouth with her hands.

"You wouldn't dare..."

"You want to find out?"

She rapidly shook her head, grabbed Wonyoung's arm and glared at me as we walked towards the school entrance, heading home. 

"Well i won't be able to walk home with you guys today. I have an appointment with my ophtalmologist." Wonyoung informed us, earning a nod from me and an awkward smile from Soyeon.

"Yeahh, i won't be able to either. My mum's picking me up from school to drop me at my dad's place for the weekend. Sorry Mimi!"

I looked at them with a gentle smile.

"It's okay, it's not like i don't know my way home."


Apparently, I did not.

Do NOT judge me. I might be an academic weapon but i have my flaws too.

I looked at the unfamiliar houses around me after walking for who knows how long. 

I was most defenitely lost.

I looked at the the watch on my wrist to see the little arrow on 5. I had been walking for a whole hour and not even a single tree seemed recognisable. 

Strayed, stressed and starving, I languidly walked into the conviniece store which I had crossed over 5 times and picked a bowl of ramen to give myself some energy before going on with my tough journey.

I payed the cashier the last 6000kwr I had in my wallet before kindly asking the cashier if I could borrow her phone. 

To my joy she accepted and i dialed a number, praying she would pick up.


"Hello, who is this?"

"Ma... it's me, mimi." 

"Mimi? Where have you been!? You were supposed to be home over an hour ago!" she roared so loud, the cashier gave me a concerned look. I pursued my lips at her as i returned my attention to my fuming mother.

"I know... I just got a little...umm... "

"Don't play games with me Milie. Where are you?"

"You see, I kind of got lost..."

"Lost? What do you mean by lost?"

"Well, i was walking home alone and i took the road we normally take, I promise I did, but I somehow ended up in this weird neighbourhood..."

"And you're calling me just now? Do you have a phone for decoration?"

"We're not allowed to bring phones to school anymore so i left it at home...I'm using a lady's phone."

I could hear her sighs and frustration throught the phone.

"I'll send my driver to come get you. Where are you exactly?"

"Ummm I'm in..." I looked at the cashier, hoping she'd help me identify the neighbourhood

"Sinsa-dong" a familiar voice helped

"Yeah I'm in Sinsa-dong"

"He'll be there in a bit, stay put."

Before I could answer, she hung up. I turned around to thank the person who helped me identify my current location.

My eyes began to ache when I recognised the persons face...


(Just kidding!)


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Hope you liked the first part of Don't leave just yet,

and i hope you read the next chapter

...if i ever upload it.


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