Chapter 4

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2 months later

It's now been 9 months. Sometime this month, my babygirl will be on her way. She is still healthy, even after everything I've been through. Yesterday, me and Roman took our maternity pictures and they came out great. I woke up and went into the bathroom and took a shower and changed my clothes and walked to the kitchen. "Good morning baby, how'd you sleep?" Roman asked giving me a plate. "I slept good, but this girl is excited to come." I said rubbing my stomach. Victor and Skylar came into the room and we all ate breakfast and sat in the living room. "Me and Skylar is going out for a bit, Victor can you keep a eye out on her?" Roman asked. He nodded his head and Roman kissed me as Skylar kissed Victor and they walked out. I turned on the TV and Cowboys vs Giants was on ABC. We watched that and there was a knock on the door. Victor opened it and the guys walked in. They gave me a hug and sat down on the couch. "So Britt, how are you feeling? Your due date is coming up, feeling nervous?" Ricardo asked me. "I'm nervous but I'm excited. I really hope that I can be a good mom to her. I'm afraid of failing her." I admitted. "You're going to be a great mom, Britt, you have nothing to worry about." Agustin said placing his hand on my knee. I walked to the bathroom and I felt a really sharp pain. I groaned and I looked and saw liquid. "Uhh, guys, I think my water broke!" I screamed. They ran to the bathroom and Victor called Roman. Filliberto grabbed the hospital bag while Ricardo, Erid and Agustin helped me walk to the car. Victor, Agustin and Ricardo sat in the back with me as Erid was driving and Filliberto was in the passenger seat. "Just breathe Britt, Roman and Skylar will meet us there." Victor said as he held my left hand and Ricardo held my right hand. The contractions started to hit me again really hard. "Son of a bitch, ughh!" I screamed as I squeezed their hand. We arrived at the hospital and Roman and Skylar and Victor's parents came in behind us. "Can you help us, she's in labor." Victor said. They put her on a gurney and took her to a room. "I need the father to come with me and I need everybody else to stay and wait out here for me. Roman walked next to me and helped me into a hospital gown and helped me into the bed.

A few hours later

Our obgyn came in as well as a couple of nurses. "Alright Mrs. Brittany, it's time for her to come out. Give me 10 hard pushes." Dr. Rodriguez said. I grabbed Roman's hand as he was cheering me on. I pushed as hard as I could. "We see a head, one more big push." She said. I screamed and squeezed his hand and did one more big push then I heard the most beautiful sound in the world. "Congratulations, Mr and Mrs. Anoa'i. "What's going to be her name?" The doctor asked us. "Kaitlyn Victoria Michelle Anoa'i." I said and Roman smiled as he loved that name. Roman cut the umbilical cord and the nurses cleaned her up. The nurse gave me her I held her in my arms. "Hi babygirl, I'm your momma." I said smiling and crying tears of joy. "And this handsome man is your daddy." I said. I gave Kaitlyn to Roman and he started to cry. "Hey my beautiful babygirl, daddy love you so much, yeah." Roman said as he was rocking her. The nurses told everyone that they could come in. They walked in and they saw our beautiful baby girl. "Guys, meet Kaitlyn Victoria Michelle Anoa'i." I said smiling. "You named your child after me and Skylar." Victor asked. I nodded and he gave me a hug. Roman gave Kaitlyn to Victor. "Hi pretty girl, I'm your uncle Victor. My gosh you are so gorgeous." He said. Skylar held her next. "I'm your auntie Sky. I know you will be confused by seeing me and your mom together cause we are the same. I know we get that a lot." Skylar said as we all laughed. Everyone held our baby and then Victor's parents started to cry. "mi hermosa nieta, eres tan hermosa. No podemos esperar para mimarte.Felicidades mi hija hermosa, es tan preciosa." Victor's mom said. "Gracias mamá te amo mucho." I said as she gave me a hug and gave me back Kaitlyn. Roman took his phone out and took a picture of us. "I love you so much baby. You did such a good job." Roman said as he kissed my head. The nurse put our baby in the small bed that was in our room and I made room for Roman in the bed and he held me in his arms as I fell asleep.

A few days later

Today is the day that we bring our baby home. I already signed the release papers earlier this morning. I put on my clothes and Roman grabbed the baby carriage and put her in there. Roman grabbed our bags and we walked out. Roman grabbed the car seat and helped me put her in and locked the seat belt. I went to the passenger seat while Roman drove home. We got home 10 minutes later. He grabbed the stroller and helped me put her in there. "Welcome home baby girl." I said as we walked in. The guys as well as my sisters and Joelle was there. They yelled welcome home and we smiled. "Alexis, Summer, meet your baby niece, Kaitlyn Victoria Michelle Anoa'i." I said as I gave her to Alexis. They both started crying and gave me a hug. They gave her back to me and we sat down on the couch. "JoJo want to meet your baby sister." Roman said. She ran to us and she held Kaitlyn's hand. "I'm so happy, I have a little sister." Joelle said smiling. I couldn't help but smile. I looked around and I couldn't help but shed a tear. I didn't think that I would make it to this point. I went from being broken, not wanting to live anymore to being a mom, finding a reason to live. I have my family and friends that love me and now a beautiful daughter. "Are you okay baby?" Roman asked as he held my hand. "I never felt pure joy than I do right now. For the first time in a long time, I love my life." I said. Roman kissed my forehead. Joelle's mom picked Joelle up and my sisters left so it was just me, Roman, Victor, Filliberto, Ricardo, Erid, Skylar, and Agustin in the house. I picked up Kaitlyn and the guys wanted me to sing Lovely by Billie Eilish to Kaitlyn. I started to rock her to sleep while I was singing. Roman was recording me singing and everyone was smiling. I finished the song and she fell asleep. I put her in her crib and turned off the light and walked back into the living room and sat back down on the couch. We went to the basement and watched TV and playing music. Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars started to play and I was singing to it. We was all jamming out while we was playing pool. I got into the song and started to harmonize with the song. Victor was recording me and he posted it on Instagram. I went upstairs and got dressed into my pajamas and went to check on Kaitlyn. I quietly opened the door and she was still sleeping. I quietly closed the door and went back to the basement. Temperature by Sean Paul was playing and we started a dance party. We was laughing and having a great time. I looked at the time and it was 12am. We all went upstairs and me and Roman went to our room. "Goodnight baby, I love you." I said as I kissed his lips. "Goodnight babygirl, I love you too." Roman said and he kissed me back. I fell asleep my head on his chest, having the best sleep I ever had.

Hey guys sorry for another short chapter. I haven't been feeling good the past few days but I promise there will be longer chapters.

Please read my other stories and I hope everybody has a great day.

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