6) Favourite person- Sae Itoshi x Reader

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~If only my heart was cold as i pretend it is,
Then maybe I could get over this....

Sae Itoshi was a reticent man. He never had any close people, romantic interests, let alone any friends for the majority of his life.
Until you.

Your skills landed you in Spain for a career opportunity. You were a sports engineer- that is, you worked on improving sport technology- making new facilities, designing gear, analyzing athlete's performances etc. Real Madrid's Ayomi, secretary of one of the best football teams- reached out to hire you to design some new sports equipment to help their players succeed.

While looking through the players portfolios- a certain burgundy haired guy caught your attention. " Is he from Japan?" You asked Ayomi, as you could tell by the name.
" Spot on. You're fluent in Japanese right? He's probably the only person you wouldn't face a language barrier with." And surprise surprise, she was right.
Most of the players were Spanish, and that was coincidentally the only language they knew. Sae was one of the only people there whom you could talk to without awkward hand gestures like this lady here-

 Sae was one of the only people there whom you could talk to without awkward hand gestures like this lady here-

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So you were determined to make friends with him. It was not easy at first, because he gave the driest answers ever, and was SUPER anti social. To get a word out of him was like predicting Schrödinger's cat- impossible.
( Sorry for the nerdy reference :) )

You were learning Spanish, and your teacher told you to watch children's cartoons in the language to help you learn it faster. "It's a proven fact," She said. You had quite a few options, the best one being

 You had quite a few options, the best one being

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(awoop- jump scare )

And so you did. You started watching it, and you thought it would be a fun idea to do the same with Japanese. You didn't have to find a series yourself though. :)

Y/n to Ayomi : My Spanish teacher told me to watch children's cartoons in Spanish to learn it fast. It's working well, I wonder if I should do the same with Japanese?
Ayomi: That's a great idea! A Japanese cartoon I really recommend is-
Sae: Chibi Maruko chan.
Y/n + Ayomi : *stares blankly*

You thought you were talking in private, but it seems like he entered the room at just the right time. Ayomi left, giving you the chance to talk to Sae.

Y/n: Chibi Maruko chan? I've never heard of this cartoon.
Sae: Well, you should watch it. It's my favorite. ( Its cannon he likes Chibi Maruko chan :P she's in the chapter photo )
Y/n: Let's watch it together then!
Sae: Right now? No.
Y/n: Please? You have nothing to do.

You had to drag Sae against his will to the projector room in the club, where he reluctantly put a DVD of an episode. You had to control yourself from laughing when you saw the MC, you did not expect such a tough looking man to enjoy something so childish. You were about to laugh but his death stare made any feelings of humor vanish quicker than Drake at a party when he finds out all the girls there are over 18 💀.

It was much more interesting than you thought. The room was dark- and there was no one except the two of you there. The glow of the screen lit up your face in all the right places- and to Sae, you looked- perfect.

He quickly brushed off these feelings, not allowing anyone in his heart. But his mind thought about how beautiful you were, smart, kind, funny - friendly. You seemed too good for him. Heck, he even noticed how your (e/c) eyes sparkled when you talked about something you liked. Being the tsundere he is though, he refused to accept these feelings. You were to become his friend, nothing more than that.

" Y/n, you're my friend from now on."

That's it. It wasn't a question, it was a statement in the most monotone voice ever. Yet, you noticed how hard it was for him to say that, evident through the blush creeping up his cheeks.

" Sure!" You said with a smile, happy to have gained his trust after a long wait.

You both were basically inseparable from that point onwards- You spent most of your day together- from you watching him practice to him watching you design a new sports equipment. Through the endless walks in the park, deep conversations, and of course, more Maruko Chan marathons, you became best friends.

When you purchased a house in Madrid, no one was happier than Sae.

As the months flew by- You started catching feelings for him. He was so much nicer to you than to other people- his gaze softened each time he saw you. He held your hand whenever you seemed tense- and helped you with anything you needed.

Valentines day rolled around, and you felt this was the perfect time to ask him. You bought him a little Maruko Chan plush, and texted him to meet you in the park.

You waited patiently- but your facial expressions made it clear that you were not enjoying the lovey dovey couples holding hands in the park. As usual, he was right on time.
" I hate being single too. "
" What the- "
He always managed to catch you off guard.

You gave him the plush. He thanked you, and started to smile a bit.
Itoshi Sae?
No way.

" Sae, did you just smile!?" He stopped as quickly as he started.
" No I didn't. Shut up."

Cold as always.  You held his hand.
He froze a bit.
He didn't pull away though.
He was definitely replaced by an AI or something.

You walked along the street- blending in seamlessly with the couples around you.
" Sae, am I one of your favorite people in your life?"

He thought for a bit.
" You're not one of my favorite people."

Sae looked you dead in the eye.
" You're my only favorite person, y/n."

Requested by: Yayreadwe 


Y/n asking Sae to click this box in real life because there's no way he smiled and called you his favorite person while holding your hand.
 You're the only one he showed this side of himself to?
('。• ◡ •。') ♡

 You're the only one he showed this side of himself to?('。• ◡ •。') ♡

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