Prologue II

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—The school bell rings, its sharp, metallic chime cutting through the ambient noise of students shuffling out of their classrooms.

Aki, a 16-year-old high school student with an introspective demeanor, drifts toward the school gates.
His steps are slow yet steady, a contrast to the hurried pace of his peers.

*bzz *bzz, He pulled out his phone from his pocket as it vibrates violently, the screen illuminating his perfectly tanned face with a soft glow as he opened his phone.

"Breaking news, several meteors are expected to make land fall this evening. Several countries have also been affected by this strange phenomenon, astrologists and physicists theorized that it could yet be another impending extinction"
Aki’s eyes narrowed as he read through the message.

He looked through a nearby window to see the sky, he hasn’t noticed anything unusual though just the sun casting long shadows that dance across the pavement. The sky remains calm, but the alert shattered his peace of mind.

“Meteor shower... I’ve never seen one in person." he muttered to himself.

He starts walking again, his thoughts swirling around. His solitude has always made him a keen observer, but today’s message seems to pierce through his usual detachment as he reflects on how fast life can shift so abruptly from mundane to extraordinary.

Aki walks through the bustling hallway, the noise of excited students and their conversations a contrast to his inner silence. He stops by his locker and organized his books.

“The world moves so fast, and here I am, just trying to keep up, with the sudden catastrophe I should feel worried, but I feel i nothing...” He muttered to himself, quipped with a monotoned voice and a sigh.

He closes his locker and takes one last look around the hallway, where his classmates are huddled in groups, discussing the latest gossip and their weekend plans. Aki feels a pang of loneliness but pushes it aside as he heads towards the school exit.

Aki walks down the street toward the convenience store, his mind preoccupied with the news, the sky above is starting to darken. He pauses outside the store, feeling a twinge of hunger and decides to grab some dinner.

Aki enters the convenience store, the jingle of the doorbell signaling his arrival. The store’s fluorescent lights cast a clinical glow.

Aki moves through the aisles aiming to find the best pre-made food around, eventually he found the limited edition Pizza roll and grabbed a bottle of water and some chips.

At the checkout, Jay places his items on the counter. The cashier, a middle-aged woman with a kind, if weary, smile, scans the items.

“Quite a day, huh? Did you hear about the meteor shower?” the cashier asked.

“Yeah, I got a notification about it. Seems pretty serious.” He nodded

“They say it might be a lot worse than expected. Let’s hope it’ll be okay.” The cashier replied with a sigh.

Aki gives a small, appreciative nod as he takes his bag and exits the store.

The weight of the conversation and the news sits heavily on his shoulders.
As Aki continues his walk home, the sky is now a dramatic display of meteors streaking through the darkening expanse.

The view is both mesmerizing and alarming. He pauses for a moment, watching the celestial show with amazement and fear.

“So, it’s really happening huh?” he asked himself under his breath.
Aki arrives at his apartment, a quiet sanctuary that contrasts sharply with the chaos outside.

He places his groceries on the kitchen counter, The TV in the background broadcasts an urgent news update.

“We’re following breaking news about a meteor shower affecting various parts of the globe.Authorities are advising everyone to stay indoors and be prepared for potential impacts. The Philippines is also at risk.”

Aki’s heart races as he watches the broadcast, the footage showing meteors crashing into cities across the world. The reality of the situation settles over him like a heavy shroud.

Aki hastily packs a small bag with essentials—clothes, a flashlight, some food. His hands tremble as he works, the apartment vibrating with a low, ominous rumble. Akk’s fear is recognizable from the sweat accumulating on his forehead.

*Boom* a loud deafening explosion echoed throughout the street. Aki lay close to the ground as his apartment began to shake violently from the chaos outside. *BOOM* this one is louder than the previous one, explosion from the outside that started like a pistol suddenly turned into a rifle as the meteor shower barrages through the entire city.

He hurriedly checked outside the window, what he witnessed was a scene straight from an apocalypse movie the sky is red the chaotic tapestry of fiery meteors danced through the air like a deadly concert, and one enormous and glowing ominously close.

The city below is a frenetic blur of motion, people screaming and running in panic. Jay’s heart pounds as he realizes the full extent of the disaster unfolding before him.
The apartment shakes violently, and a deafening roar fills the air.

Aki clutches his bag, his face a mask of fear. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light engulfs the room, followed by a tremendous explosion. The walls crumble and debris rains down as a meteor crashes into the building.
In that fleeting moment, he experienced tremendous pain for half a second until everything faded into darkness…


Aki’s vision transitions from a blinding white to a soft, golden light. He finds himself lying on the ground in a tranquil, otherworldly landscape. The air is cool and fragrant, filled with the scent of blooming flowers.

“Where am I?” he asked himself.
Aki stands, taking in the beauty and peace of the fields. The landscape is lush, with rolling meadows, gently flowing streams, and a sense of profound tranquility.

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