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Coded) Age:
. 17

Full name:
. Fork Faced Francis

Gender identity:
. Male

. Heterosexual

. Silly, blunt, kind, talkative, that one kid that says EVERYTHING for their sibling-

Relationships with other characters (not family):
. Monty - friends
. Puppet - freinds
. Foxy - freinds
. FC - freinds
. Sun(TEAPS) - freinds
. Moon(TEAPS) - acquainces

Relationships with other characters (family):
. Sun - friends
. Moon - Freinds
. Lunar -  Freinds
. Earth - Close Freinds
. Eclipce - one sided Freinds
. Creator -  never met-
. Solar - freinds
. Jack - close friends
. Frank - brothers

Common clothing:
. He likes to wear stickers- all over him-

More little things:
. Likes to scare other people with frank
. Calls himself "fran" and Monty started calling frank "fra" Wich made them mad because it doesn't work as well
. Likes mint chocolate chip ice cream, frank likes cappuccino crunch

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