Chapter Nine

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The next day Brooke awoke feeling an intense amount of anxiety about James and his scary dad. How the hell was this going to work? She thought to herself. Maybe that's why he never has girlfriends? Maybe it's not even him. She could see his dad scaring girls off left and right, the girls are probably the ones that don't stick around. This made Brooke feel a little bit better about James' player status, but now his dad was even scarier in her head. Great. Brooke huffed.
She reached over to her nightstand, and picked up her phone, praying that James had texted her back. She looked down at the screen and there was a snapchat notification waiting for her, she was over the moon. She sat bolt upright in bed, clicking the open button.
            It was a picture of James in bed. Hey, sorry I didn't message you back last night, I pissed my dad off, so he took my phone away for the rest of the night. The message closed and then another one popped up, it was a picture of him in the bathroom mirror, sadly he was wearing a shirt this time. Good morning beautiful.
            Her stomach was doing backflips, butterflies began flying from her stomach and up and out all of her extremities. This boy really knew how to make a girl smile. Player. Her subconscious rolled her eyes.
            She quickly took a picture of herself. Good morning handsome. No worries about messaging me back either, your dad sounds crazy! She hit send and then crawled out of bed, being careful not to wake Kat up.
            She walked to the bathroom and her phone chimed as soon as she closed the door. It was a picture of James sitting on the couch again, no baby this time. Yeah, he can be a dick sometimes. What are you and Kat up to today?
            She snapped a picture of herself in the mirror, and then typed, I'm just dropping Kat off at home today and then hanging out at home, enjoying my last school free day. She hit send and then started getting ready for the day. She heard a small knock on the door and then someone opening it, it was Kat.
            "I have to pee!" Kat said, her eyes popping out of her head.
            "Then pee!" Brooke said through a mouthful of toothpaste.
            This was something Brooke loved about their friendship, that they were comfortable enough around each other to pee right in front of the other. It was definitely a weird thing to love about their friendship, but she did. Once they were both done getting ready and done eating breakfast they hopped in the car and headed to Kat's house.
            Brooke's phone chimed. "Hey, do you mind looking at that for me?"
            "Sure!" Kat said, picking up Brooke's phone. "Oh my gosh!" Kat exclaimed, slamming the phone down in her lap.
            "What?" Brooke yelled.
            "He sent a shirtless photo!" Kat said, gagging.
            Brooke rolled her eyes. "Oh please. I don't know how you don't find him attractive, weirdo."
            "And I don't know how you find him attractive!" She said, shoving the phone into Brooke's hand.
            The snap he had sent her had already disappeared. "What did he say?"
            "He said that he wishes he could hangout with you today." Kat said, gagging again.
            Brooke started laughing. "Would you knock it off." She leaned over and smacked Kat on the arm.
            "Okay, okay. But I refuse to open anything on your phone ever again." She said sternly.
            "Sounds good." Brooke laughed.
            They arrived at Kat's house and while Kat was climbing out of the car Brooke said, "I'll see you tomorrow loser."
            "See ya." Kat said, shutting the door behind her and waving.
            Before Brooke pulled out of Kat's driveway, she quickly took a picture of Kat's house on snapchat and sent it to James with, that sounds so nice, typed across the screen.
She put a song on and backed up out of the driveway. She really didn't want school to start tomorrow, but she did want these next couple of days to go by as fast as possible so she could see James on Friday.
            The next two days went by painfully slow, the teachers were piling on homework, and Brooke had terrible senioritis, so she really didn't want to do a single assignment. On top of that, she couldn't stop thinking about James, so she couldn't focus on any of her classes. All of the younger classmen were being extra annoying on purpose too, she knew it, they had to be.
On Friday Brooke woke up at 5:30AM to get ready for the day, today was her date with James and she was over the moon. She had to look her absolute best for him. She knew it wasn't going to happen, but she thought that maybe if she looked her best then maybe he'd fall in love with her. If he loved her then he'd want to date her. She grabbed the best outfit she owned and shoved it into her book bag. She climbed in her car and headed to school.
            Brooke wished that basketball was going on right now, because then she'd be able to see James in the morning. She would love to see him, even if it was only for fifteen minutes before he had to head back home. You can do a lot in fifteen minutes. She thought to herself. Like you'd know. Her subconscious rolled her eyes.
Today went by the slowest out of the days prior, she thought for sure someone had broken all of the school clocks, there was no way time was going by this slow. She couldn't pay attention to a single thing any of her teachers were saying. Between the senioritis and thinking of James she didn't have anymore room in her head to think about anything else.
            Finally, her last class came around. James had been Snapchatting her the entire class. Luckily it was a class where the teacher didn't ever notice people on their phones. James was being so chatty, he was asking for her advice on what shirt he should wear, what time he should be at the school, how her class was going, if she liked the class. He was being so chatty, it seemed really strange. Maybe he's excited to go on a date with me? She thought to herself. She doubted it, he had never been the dating, go on dates type of guy before, so why now? He's probably just excited because he thinks he's going to get lucky tonight. Her subconscious said rolling her eyes.
            Brooke had to come up with a plan. She couldn't just jump in bed with the guy on their first date. She had to make him work for it a bit. I'll make him wait two weeks at least and see how he does. She thought to herself, feeling incredibly proud of herself. She knew him well enough to know he wasn't the type of guy to stick around if he wasn't getting any, sex that is.
            The final bell rang, and Brooke jumped out of her chair and was the first one out of the classroom when she heard someone yelling after her.
              "Hey Brooke, wait up!" A girl from her class was yelling.
            Brooke whirled around, and there she was, the most promiscuous girl at the school. "Yeah? What's up?"
            Seriously, this girl had a worse reputation than James did! Brooke desperately wanted to turn and run away; she wasn't friends with this girl. This girl was mean, and all she did was party and sleep with every boy she could. She's probably slept with James. She thought to herself, hating herself for going there.
            "I heard you've been talking to James?" The girl sounded affronted.
            Brooke blinked several times before responding. "Uhm, yeah, why?"
            The girl shook her head. "I just wanted to warn you to be careful, he's probably only playing you. Trust me. He'll only break your heart."
            "Thanks for the advice." Brooke said walking away.
            She couldn't believe the nerve of that girl, who did she think she was? Why did she decide to take it upon herself to warn Brooke when they weren't even friends? Now Brooke was angry right before her date, great. Brooke thought. She got to her locker and began packing her homework for the weekend, remembering that she needed to change into the dress that she had packed that morning.
            She floated down the stairs and into the girls locker room. And of course, that girl from earlier was in there. Gross. Brooke thought to herself, b-lining for one of the bathroom stalls. She quickly changed into her dress, and then her phone chimed.
            She quickly picked it up to see a snapchat notification from James, it was a picture of the school with, I'm here! Across the screen. She felt her heart about leap out of her chest, she was beyond excited to go on a date with this boy. Now, just keep it in your pants. Her subconscious chided.
            She rolled her eyes at her own subconscious and then began messaging James back, coming out now! She typed. She hit send and then walked out of the bathroom stall.
            "Well don't you look cute." A girl said that was sitting on one of the benches in the bathroom.
            Brooke gave her a warm smile. "Thanks."
            "Where are you off to?" Another girl asked.
            Brooke knew she couldn't tell them the truth; it was really none of their business where she was going. "Just out to dinner with my parents."
            The girl from earlier was sitting in the corner scowling at her. She looked pissed. Geez. Brooke thought to herself. All three of the girls knew she was lying. But she didn't care, and before they could ask her any more questions, and before that one girl killed her, she slipped out the door and was on her way to James.
            She absolutely beamed when she saw him, he was leaning up against her car waiting for her. All of the school buses were still here so that meant everyone would see them leaving together. Shit. She grumbled internally. She'd have to start parking around the back of the school to avoid prying eyes.
            "Hey you." James smiled, wrapping her in his embrace.
            She felt so small in his arms, and as he hugged her, it felt like they were meant to be together. She fit him like a puzzle piece, like they were made for each other.
            "Hey." She said, barely peeling herself away to peek her head up to him.
            He smiled at her, and then swooped down to give her a kiss. She felt her knees getting weak as they kissed, and then she broke it off and looked around. Terrified that someone was watching them.
            She looked back at James. "We should leave before someone sees us."
            "Okay, sounds good." He chuckled.
            She slid into her car, and then watched James as he struggled to get in. A six foot fix guy was not made to fit into a ford focus. He had to adjust the seat all the way back to be able to fit, and even then, his knees were squished up against the dashboard of her car.
            "Comfy?" Brooke said, laughing at him.
            He rolled his eyes at her. "Oh, you know it."
            "Sucks being tall." She jested.
            He laughed. "Yeah, sometimes it does."
            She pulled out of the school parking lot. "We're going to Soldotna, right?" She said looking over at James.
            "We are now." He said laughing.
            Brooke started laughing too. "Well, I could always turn around if you want to go to Homer!"
            "No, I'm just messing with you." He gave her the warmest smile she had ever seen.
            Shit. Keeping her heart out of this was going to be impossible. She sat there, smiling like a fool for a little too long before she realized she was just sitting there like a psycho smiling at nothing.
            She handed him her phone. "Here, you want to play some music?"
            "Absolutely, any requests?" He said, scrolling on her Spotify.
            Brooke shook her head. "Anything."
            "Alrighty." James said clicking a song.
            A Jack Johnson song filled the air, the song started with a beautiful guitar solo before he began singing about the first time he met a girl in early September. It was a beautiful song. Brooke found herself swaying side to side with the music. Then he started singing about how ten years had gone by and she was his still. She felt like James was trying to tell her something with his song selection. There's no way. Her subconscious said, shaking her head.
            The song began to end, and Brooke looked over at James. "That was a beautiful song, can you save it to my phone?"
            "Of course, you've never heard of Jack Johnson?" He said, tilting his head at her.
            Brooke thought for a moment. "No, I think I've heard a couple of his songs before. I just don't have them saved on my phone."
            James nodded. Selecting another song, it was Jack Johnson again. "I love playing this song on my guitar."
            "Oh, you play the guitar?" Brooke asked, surprise in her voice.
            "Yeah, I sing too." He beamed at her.
            Brooke's mouth fell open. "No way."
            "Yeah, I take singing lessons even!" James nodded.
            Brooke smiled at him. "Let's hear it then." She reached out and turned the music down a little bit.
            "Oh, I don't know. I'm not warmed up." He said sheepishly.
            Brooke smiled even bigger at him. "What do you have to run a lap around the car or something first?"
            He let out a big laugh. "No, my voice isn't warmed up."
            "Well, warm it up!" She laughed.
            "No way!" He began laughing too.
            Brooke turned and glared at him. "I'll get you to sing for me someday."
            "Doubtful." He said shaking his head at her.
            Brooke sat there for a moment before speaking again. "Why'd you guys move to Alaska?
            "Well, it's kind of a long story, but my parents lost everything and had no money, so we moved here for my dad's job." He shrugged.
            Brooke's mouth fell open. "Oh wow, I'm so sorry."
            "Yeah, it really sucked. I miss Idaho so much too, but Alaska definitely has it's perks." He said grinning at her.
            She rolled her eyes at him. "Smooth, real smooth."
            He let out a laugh. "I like to think so."
            She shook her head at him. "So, what do you do besides basketball, play the guitar, and sing?"
            He shrugged. "Well, I like to snow machine in the winter, and snowboard. I also love ripping around on my four-wheeler in the Summer. Oh, I'm also in a band."
            "Wait what? You're in a band?" She was absolutely shocked.
            He laughed. "Yeah, I'm in a band. We have two singers, a bass guitarist, a drummer, and then me on the electric guitar."
            "And somehow he won't sing for me?" She shoved his arm.
            He laughed. "Hey! I never said I was any good!"
            "Oh please, I just know you can sing well Mr. basketball, guitarist, singer, snowboarder, is there anything you can't do?" She shook her head at him, exacerbated.
            He laughed even harder now. "Okay, okay. Next time we hangout I'll play my guitar and sing you a song, okay?"
            "That's better. Thank you. Gotta keep your fans happy." She beamed at him.
            This felt so good to Brooke. They were talking like they had known each other for years. They were talking like they were best friends. It was absolutely extraordinary. Her stomach began doing backflips and summersaults, sending butterflies throughout her entire body. She shivered.
            "Are you cold?" James asked, reaching for the thermostat on the dashboard.
            She wasn't sure what to say. "Uh, yeah. A little bit."
            He reached his hand over and started rubbing her shoulder, a jolt of electricity zapping throughout her whole body at his touch, making her shiver again. She felt his eyes on her face, and for some reason she felt so nervous with his eyes on her. She stared out ahead at the road, trying to ignore his eyes on her. They were almost to Soldotna now, thank God. Brooke thought to herself, the electricity between them was overwhelming, and she desperately wanted to get out of the car. It was either get out of the car as soon as possible or pounce on him. Her breathing was shallow as he continued rubbing her shoulders, he must have been trying to warm her. I know what would warm me up. Her subconscious thought devilishly. His hand brushed against her neck as he pushed her hair over to her left shoulder, revealing the right side of her neck to him. What is he doing? She thought nervously to herself. He tucked a few loose hairs back behind her ear and brushed his fingertips down the side of her neck. She shuddered at his soft touch, as goose bumps rose up all over her body, even her nipples started hardening. Oh my. She thought to herself. She bit her lip, trying to focus on driving as she pulled into Soldotna.
            "Where do you want to eat?" Her voice sounded hoarse; it was almost unrecognizable.
            He smiled devilishly at her. "I can think of a few places."
            He leaned towards her, kissing her on the neck. She let out a moan as his teeth grazed her neck. Wholly fuck. His lips begun trailing kisses up to her ear, he nibbled and sucked on her ear as more moans escaped Brooke's mouth. He was driving her crazy. She quickly pulled into her favorite Mexican restaurant before she crashed her car, and as soon as she parked, she was kissing him. Their teeth clashing briefly as his tongue slid into her mouth. Brooke grabbed at her seatbelt and unbuckled herself, leaning as far over onto him as she could. Her hands snaked up his neck, grabbing fistfuls of his hair as their tongues did a delicious dance with each other. She desperately wanted to be closer to him, she pulled him against her as hard as she could. His hands began traveling around her body, feeling every curve of her, she let out a moan as he grabbed her ass and squeezed. She bit down on his lip, a low sexy growl escaping his mouth and reverberating though Brooke, turning her on even more, she let out a small moan against his lips.
            "Fuck." He growled, holding her face in his hands. "You're so fucking hot; do you know that?"
            She couldn't say anything, she just sat there panting. They sat there for a couple of seconds, just staring into each other's eyes. She loved him so much, her heart ached because she knew he would break it, it was just a matter of time. She decided to enjoy his company for whatever time they would have together.
            "Are you hungry?" He asked.
            She nodded, sitting back into her chair and looking up at the restaurant. "Do you like Mexican?"
            "I love Mexican food." He smiled down at her before opening his car door.
            She took a few deep breaths to try and calm herself down before she turned her car off and climbed out. He held his hand out to her; she grabbed it reluctantly. There it was again, that zap of electricity as their hands touched. They walked up the couple of stairs to the restaurant, he reached out and grabbed the door, ushering her in.
            A young lady greeted them at the front. "Hello, welcome, how many tonight?"
            "Just two." James said to the young lady.
            She nodded and grabbed two menus. "Follow me please."
            They followed the young lady over to a dimly lit booth in the back, there were only a few people dining there so it was very quiet. And very romantic. Her subconscious whispered. They sat quietly looking over the menu, even though Brooke knew what she was going to get. She got the same thing every time she came here, a chicken chimichanga dinner.
            "What do you like here?" He said looking up over his menu.
            She looked up at him. "I always get the chicken chimichanga, but everything here is amazing."
            He nodded. "Alrighty."
            She smiled at him; she watched as he read his menu. He was adorable, how he squinted at his menu, reading every single item out loud to himself. "Oh, the molcajete sounds amazing." He said looking up at Brooke. His eyes grew when he saw that she was already looking up at him. He looked at her questioningly, giving her a shy smile.
            Her face went beat red. "You should order it then!" She said soundly a little too enthusiastic.
            She gave her a small knowing smile. "I think I will."
            "Good." She said, pretending like she wasn't being a creep a few seconds ago.
            The waitress made her way over to them. "Are you guys ready to order?"
            "Yes." They both said in unison.
            Brooke looked up at the waitress who was smiling down at her. "I'll get the chicken chimichanga dinner please."
            "Okay, and for you?" She said turning her attention over to James.
            "I'll get the molcajete please." He said handing her his menu.
            "Perfect, I'll get this going for you guys. Thanks." She said grabbing their menus.
            The waitress made her way to the kitchen. Brooke looked over at James who was now staring at her. Geez. Her subconscious whispered. She could feel the electricity without even touching him.
            Brooke gave him a weird look. "What?"
            James shook his head. "Nothing, nothing at all." He grinned ear to ear.
            Brooke started smiling like a fool. "You're creeping me out." She said, reaching across the table and covered his eyes, feeling that delicious spark of electricity race through her hand as she touched him.
            "Hey!" He said grabbing at her hand.
            She let out a laugh as he grabbed her hand in his and kissed it. What? She wasn't prepared for that. He looked up into her eyes longingly. Shit. He was good, too good. What does he study books on how to make a girl swoon? She grumbled to herself.
            She blinked a few times, dazed. "You're good at this." She whispered.
            "Good at what?" He furrowed his eyebrows, kissing her hand again.
            Brooke took a deep steadying breath. "Making girls melt at your feet."
            His eyebrows raised. "What?"
            "You heard me." She said sternly.
            He laughed. "So, you're melting at my feet, are you?"
            Brooke rolled her eyes. "Don't play dumb, you know exactly what you're doing."
            "Yeah, making you melt at my feet I guess." He smiled.
             She laughed. "You must have studied a book on how to make girls swoon."
            "Oh wow, now you're melting and swooning." His eyes grew with mirth.
            "Oh, stop it!" She said laughing and pushing his shoulder.
            He began laughing. "I'm not trying to do anything; I'm just being myself!"
            "Yeah, I find that very hard to believe." She said putting emphasis on, very.
            He grabbed her hand. "How can I prove myself to you?" He said giving her puppy dog eyes.
            "Now that's a good one." She said snatching her hand away and covering her face with both hands.
            "What's wrong Brooke?" He said grabbing her hands away from her face.
            She looked at him, sadness in her eyes. "I'm just scared. I know you're just going to break my heart." She whispered.
            "You know I'm going to break your heart?" He said putting emphasis on, know. He looked so hurt and taken a back.
            Brooke sighed. "Well, yeah. That's kind of your MO. You even said you'd break my heart."
            "What's my MO?" He said furrowing his brows at her questioningly.
            Brooke shook her head. "Well, you've never had a girlfriend, and you sleep with everything that moves."
            James looked hurt by her words. "I don't sleep with everything that moves. Just pretty women that move." He laughed, trying to lighten the mood.
            Brooke's eyes fell. "You know what I mean. You're not looking for a relationship. Everyone knows that."
            "That was before I got to know you, Brooke." He pleaded.
            Brooke looked up, tears threatening her eyes. "What do you want from me James?"
            "I- I don't know Brooke. I just really like spending time with you, you're sweet and funny, and absolutely gorgeous." He shrugged.
            "Okay." Brooke whispered, her heart aching in her chest. His words were so sweet, but she could help but feel like he was saying all the right things just to get her into his bed.
            "So, why are you still a virgin?" James said drastically changing the subject.
            Brooke's head snapped up, she sat there for several seconds before replying. "I'm not sure. I just always thought it should be saved for someone special, and I never met anyone that was special."
            "Really? Not even one your boyfriends?" James looked at her surprised.
            Brooke shook her head. "Nope. Dustin and I were together for two years and it just never felt right."
            James shook his head. "I would never be able to have that kind of restraint."
            "Obviously." She rolled her eyes at him.
            He glared at her. "I especially wouldn't be able to restrain myself around you. All I can think about is all of the dirty things I want to do to you. I could teach you so much."
            Brooke's mouth fell open while her face turned bright red. The waitress came walking up with their food at the best time, Brooke needed a quick intermission from this boy.
            The young lady set the plates down in front of them. "Be careful, these plates are hot. Can I get you two anything else?"
            "I don't think so." James said smiling at the waitress.
            The waitress walked away, and James looked at Brooke, obviously waiting for her reply.
            "You did warn me." She shrugged picking up her fork and knife.
            He laughed. "I tried to warn you anyway. I don't think it worked."
            They ate their food in silence for a few minutes. "I think we should take this slow." Brooke blurted out.
            James looked up at her in surprise. "Okay."
            "Well, whatever this is anyway. We should take it slow." She nodded, taking another bite of her chimichanga.
            "How slow are we talking?" James looked up at Brooke, worry in his eyes.
            Brooke shook her head at him. "Guess you'll have to find out."
            They sat there for a moment smiling at each other like a couple of idiots before continuing their meal. They finished eating in silence, and when the waitress came over with the check James grabbed it. He didn't even look at the amount, he just stuck a hundred in the little black book and handed it to the waitress. Wholly shit. Brooke thought to herself. She had never seen anything like that, not even from her father. Another one of his tricks, I'm sure. She thought to herself.
            They walked out of the restaurant, and into her car, sighing as they sat down. They sat there in silence, not looking at each other. And then Brooke felt a tingle down the side of her body, she glanced over at James, and that's when she saw he was looking at her.
            She turned her body towards him. "Thank you for dinner."
            "You're very welcome." He said giving her a small smile.
            James reached across the center console and rested his hand on her thigh. He looked up at Brooke, she was panting. She had never felt like this about anyone. Never had this kind of need for someone. His hand moved slowly up her thigh.
            "What happened to taking it slow?" Brooke breathed.
            James shrugged. "This is slow. At least in my books it is."
            His fingered reached the apex between her legs, his fingertips brushing the lacey fabric of her panties. She wanted him so bad, but she knew she had to stop him. She knew that if she allowed this to go any further that she'd loose her virginity in the backseat of her ford focus and then she'd definitely end up with a broken heart. She placed her hand on his, preventing it from moving up any further.
            "We can't." Brooke said shaking her head.
            James sighed. "I know. I'm sorry."
            James pulled his hand back, making Brooke feel cold and sad. She wanted him to touch her like that, she wanted more than him touching her with just his fingers. She just didn't want it without the commitment from him.
            "I'm not just going to jump into bed with you James." She said shaking her head.
            He rolled his eyes at her. "I know that. Of course I know that."
            "Do you?" She looked at him skeptically.
            "Look, I'm just not used to this." He said sighing.
            She furrowed her brows. "Not used to what?"
            "Girls saying no to me." He said looking a little embarrassed.
            Brooke let out a small giggle. "I'm not saying no technically, I'm just saying later."
            "Yeah, that never happens to me." He shrugged.
            "Really? Girls just throw themselves at you on the first date?" She was shocked.
            He nodded. "Yeah, and sometimes we don't even make it to the date."
            Brooke's mouth fell open. "No way. Really?
            James laughed. "Yeah, it's a little ridiculous if I'm being honest."
            "It looks like we both have a lot to learn." Brooke smiled up at him.
            James laughed, rolling his eyes. "Oh yeah, what do I have to learn?"
            "Patience." She said without skipping a beat.
            James nodded. "Okay, and what will you learn?"
            Brooke bit her lip. "Whatever you want to teach me."
            James' eyes grew large. "See, how am I supposed to be patient when you say stuff like that to me!"
            "I'm not sure, good luck with that though." Brooke laughed. She loved teasing this boy, it was amazing knowing she had the same affect on him as he had on her.
            On the drive home Brooke felt like maybe this would all work out, she could change him, tame him. Maybe even turn him into boyfriend material. That was all she wanted, him to be her's, all her's, and then she could give herself to him. All of herself.
            "So, how have you gone this long without your parents catching you?" Brooke said glancing over at James.
            James shrugged. "I always go out with girls when my dad isn't home. My mom is so busy with all of my other siblings that it's easy to sneak around."
            Brooke nodded. "That's smart."
            "I guess." James said quietly.
            "Are you okay?" Brooke said looking over at James.
            He nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"
            "You just seem kind of sad, that's all." Brooke shrugged.
            "Just sitting over here having patience." James sighed.
            Brooke couldn't help but laugh at him. "You're doing great. You know, you can have patience and hold my hand or put your hand on my leg."
            James huffed. "I don't think I can."
            "And what makes you say that?" Brooke said exasperated.
            James reached over, grabbing Brooke's hand and then moving it over to his lap. He placed her hand on his impressive erection. Brooke sucked in a sharp breath. Wholly shit. He molded her hand to himself, she squeezed it in her hand, kneading it. She had never touched a guy like this, so she had no idea what she was doing.
            "Fuck." James breathed through clenched teeth.
            Brooke looked up at James triumphantly. She continued squeezing and kneading him through his jeans, shocked when she felt it grow harder under her inexperienced touch. Brooke bit her lip, this is so hot. She thought to herself.
            "Should I pull over?" Brooke said, completely out of breath.
            James shook his head, pain in his eyes. "No, that doesn't sound very patient." He sighed.
            Brooke looked over at him, shock in her eyes. "Are you sure?"
            "No. Not really." He said grabbing her hand and placing it back in her lap.
            "I'm proud of you." Brooke laughed.
            James glared at her. "Oh, stop it before I change my mind."
            Brooke laughed even harder. Luckily, they were almost back to the school where James had left his truck. As they pulled up to the truck James let out a sigh.
            "What?" Brooke said, looking over at him skeptically.
            "This is so hard." He said, completely out of breath.
            Brooke laughed. "You're doing great though!"
            James rolled his eyes at her and leaned forward, planting a soft, chased kiss on her lips before sliding out of the car.
            "What was that?" Brooke said affronted.
            James poked his head in the passenger door. "If I don't get any, neither do you!"
            "Oh, come on!" Brooke laughed, shaking her head at him.
            James shook his head at her. "Nope. We're taking this slow remember? Any more and I'll be fucking you in this tiny ass car." Brooke's mouth fell open. Wholly shit.
            James shut the door and walked around to the driver side. Brooke rolled her window down for him.
            "Drive home safe." James said, planting another soft kiss on Brooke's lips.
            Brooke smiled up at him. "Goodnight."

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