❥ 𝘚𝘦𝘰𝘬𝘮𝘪𝘯

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𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘈𝘶𝘨𝘶𝘴𝘵 19𝘵𝘩, 2024

Seokmin sat with his friends on the bleachers, laughing and joking as they watched the younger team practice on the field. The air was filled with the familiar scent of freshly cut grass and the sound of footballs thudding against the ground. It was one of those rare moments of relaxation before their own practice began.

"Man, did you see that catch I made last game?" Seokmin's friend, Mingyu, grinned, mimicking the motion of snagging an imaginary football out of the air.

"Yeah, if only your grades were as good as your catches," Soonyoung teased, nudging Mingyu with his elbow.

"Hey, we're all in the same boat," Seokmin chimed in, laughing. "I'm just hoping I don't get another 'talk' from Coach about my grades. My mom's already on my case about it."

"That's why you gotta stay under the radar, like me," Mingyu said with a wink. "No one expects much, and then when you do something right, they're impressed."

Seokmin rolled his eyes, but his smile faltered for just a second. He hadn't mentioned it to his friends, but he was more worried about his grades than he let on. Football was everything to him, and the thought of being benched because of his academics was terrifying.

"Speaking of which," Soonyoung said, glancing towards the field, "looks like Coach wants to talk to you, Seokmin."

Seokmin followed Soonyoung's gaze and saw Coach Kim standing near the sideline, motioning for him to come over. His stomach dropped.

"Uh-oh," Mingyu said, giving Seokmin a sympathetic look. "Good luck, man."

"Thanks," Seokmin muttered, standing up and forcing a casual wave as he walked over to where Coach Kim was waiting.

As he approached, the serious expression on Coach's face told Seokmin all he needed to know. This wasn't just a casual check-in.

"Seokmin," Coach Kim began, his voice calm but firm, "we need to talk about your grades."


"Do not interrupt, Seokmin."

Seokmin nodded, trying to keep his nerves in check as Coach continued.

"You're a key player on this team, but if your grades don't improve, I'm afraid you won't be able to play. You've got three months to get them up to where they need to be, or you'll be benched for the rest of the season."

"But Coach, that isn't fair the season just started-"

"Chancellors words, not mine. Hers mean more than the ones i'm saying to you. Gotta take the deal or be benched, or worse, Kicked off."

Seokmin swallowed hard. Three months. He could barely keep up as it was, and now he had to aim for straight A's? It felt impossible, It is impossible.

"I understand, Coach," Seokmin said, though his voice was shaky. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Coach Kim placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I know you will, Seokmin. You've got the talent and the drive. Just apply that same effort to your studies, and you'll be fine. And if you need help, don't be afraid to ask."

Seokmin nodded, though he wasn't sure where to even start. As he walked back to his friends, his mind was racing with the weight of what he had to do.

Mingyu and Soonyoung were still joking around, but Seokmin couldn't bring himself to join in. The pressure was building, and he knew he had to find a way to tackle this new challenge—one that couldn't be solved with sheer physical strength.

Little did he know that help would come from an unexpected place, one that would change everything for him.

Seokmin sat with his friends on the bleachers, enjoying a rare moment of downtime. Mingyu and Soonyoung were animatedly discussing their plans for the weekend while Seokmin tried to keep his mind off the gnawing anxiety in his chest.

"I'm way better at studying than you would ever be," Mingyu said, grinning widely. "I turn in more homework than all of you combined, and I don't even do homework!"

"Seriously?" Soonyoung teased. "You, studying hard? Next thing, you'll be telling us you're applying for scholarships."

Seokmin chuckled, but his laughter was forced. His mind was already elsewhere—mainly on the fact that Coach Lee had given him an ultimatum: improve his grades to straight A's in three months or be benched for the rest of the season. It was a daunting challenge, and the weight of it was starting to wear on him.

"Hey, Seokmin, you alright?" Soonyoung asked, noticing Seokmin's distracted expression.

"Yeah, just... thinking about some stuff," Seokmin said, shrugging it off. "Nothing major."

As practice started, Seokmin tried to focus on the drills, but the pressure of improving his grades loomed over him. The thought of being benched was a constant worry, and he couldn't shake the feeling of dread.

After practice, Seokmin headed back home for a peace of mind. Seems like so far college has been going 100% amazing for him.

Seokmin trudged through the front door, feeling the weight of his day's challenges. His father was in the kitchen, preparing dinner, and the comforting aroma filled the house.

"Hey, Dad," Seokmin called, trying to sound upbeat despite his exhaustion.

Mr. Lee looked up with a smile. "Hey, Seokmin. How was practice? Everything okay at school?"

Seokmin dropped his bag by the door and slumped into a chair at the kitchen table. "Yeah, practice was fine. School's... it's just a lot of work. Nothing I can't handle."

Mr. Lee looked concerned. "You sure? You seem a bit off. Anything particular on your mind?"

Seokmin hesitated. He wanted to avoid worrying his father with the full truth about Coach Kim's ultimatum. "It's just the usual stuff. You know, lots of homework and projects. I'm managing."

Mr. Lee nodded, though he still looked a bit worried. "Well, if you need any help or if things get overwhelming, just let me know."

"I will," Seokmin said, forcing a smile. "I'll just figure it out, won't be difficult for me."

Mr. Lee's face brightened. "Oh really, son? That's great to hear from you finally. If it doesn't work out you can let me know, I'm always happy to help."

Seokmin nodded, feeling a mix of relief and guilt for not sharing the full extent of his situation. "Yeah thanks dad, I think it'll be good."

As they ate dinner, Seokmin tried to focus on the conversation, but his mind kept drifting back to the pressure he felt. He wasn't ready to fully disclose the reality of Coach Kim's demands, he already knew that Ms. Park was going to ask to see him in her office really soon.

His father continued to offer encouragement, and Seokmin appreciated the support. "You know, Dad, I really do appreciate your advice and everything. It helps."

Mr. Lee smiled warmly. "I'm glad to hear that. Just remember, we're always here for you, no matter what."

Seokmin nodded, feeling a mixture of gratitude and unease. As he finished dinner and helped clear the table, The road ahead was daunting, but he had to get it done somehow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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