13. Homecoming hues - Irish & Suga

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Time skip after some time,

In dining room,

When Irish came downstairs, he saw Aera & Eura were bickering for something and Jimin was trying to separate them, she turned her head on dining table where Mr & Mrs min were sitting peacefully not bothered a little about their kids

Irish furrowed her eyes and came to Kids

Irish : what's going? Guys *nervously*

Aera & Eura looked at her and then removed hands from each other's head

Eura : She's just dumbest person! I gave her my favorite bracelet yesterday for wedding but she lost it *angry*

Aera : I didn't lost it! I already told you *annoyed*

Eura : then where is it? *angry*

Aera : T-that just I don't know! I just put it somewhere! *pout*

Eura : *scoffed* Ms Min Aera! It's called LOST! *Angry*

Jimin: yaaahhhh! *yelled* stop it I said! *angry*

They all flinched hard and jimin grabbed both of his sister's ear

Eura : yaah oppa leave me! What's my fault? *angry*

Aera : it's hurting oppa! *annoyed*

Jimin : Just shut up! And sort out your matter before suga hyung comes here *cold*

Eura : but she--

Jimin : I'll buy you another one! Eura! *annoyed*

Eura : Okay then! I forgive her *rolled her eyes*

Jimin : Good! *sighed*

He removed his hands from her ears when Mrs Min came to them

Mrs min : Irish? What are you doing here!? *confused*

Irish : O-oh! Good morning aunty! I just--

Mrs min : you can call me mom now! *smile* and come for my breakfast! This fight goes on everyday! Don't mind it! Come

She held Irish's hand and dragged her to dining table, Mr min smiled at Irish and they sat on empty chairs

Irish : Umm good morning! Dad! *nervously*

Mr Min : Good morning! *smile*

Irish looked around and saw Jimin came there for breakfast

Irish : Umm where's Suga? *nervously*

Jimin : He won't come here!

He sat on his place and irish confusingly looked at him

Irish : why?

Eura : Because suga oppa don't take breakfast with us! He just comes here only If there's any important work or any announcement! *normally*

She sat beside Mr min and hugged him before starting her breakfast

Aera : But don't mind it! Unnie, you'll get used to it *smile*

Eura : and trust me there's more fun when Suga oppa don't come here otherwise we can't gulp a single bite

Jimin gave his eye smile and they both did a high five when Irish nervously nodded at her

Mrs Min smiled at her and served her breakfast

Irish : It's okay! Mom! I'll take it by myself *nervously*

Mr min : let her do! Irish, she was so excited to feed you *smile*

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