The Letters

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A/N . Hey everyone, thanks for giving my book a go. As I said, it's my first one so don't expect too much . I hope to updAte at least every fortnight, because school always gets in the way of everything. I'm sorry if I use someone else's idea by accident, tell me if I do, but the same goes for you guys, please don't take my ideas either. Just take it as a compliment. Oh and most characters belong to the amazing JK Rowling except for a few... THANKS FOR READING!!!

At the Potter House:
Harry Potter sat at the table with his wife, Ginny, and his three children, James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna Potter (s). It was all quiet, they were having a peaceful family breakfast until suddenly, a loud shrill shriek broke the silence... 'Oh my God! THER ARE THREE OWLS IN THE DISTANCE! I'M GOING TO HOGWARTS! In your big, bloated face James!' Lily shrieked. She had been waiting ever since James had got his letter.

'Lily Luna Potter! Calm down. Sit down. Chill. The muggles next door could have heard!' Ginny stated.
'Forget next door, I think the Hippogriffs in Transylvania probably heard it!' Albus retorted, grinning cheekily.
One hour later they were still at the kitchen table, and after reading the letters, James and Albus talking quidditch with their dad, although Ginny was lecturing Lily about screaming something concerning 'their world' while in muggle communities.

At Ron and Hermione's house:

Ron and Hermione's oldest child, Rose, was dancing around, excited to be returning to Hogwarts for her second year and this time, her favourite girl cousin, Lily, so it would be interesting...

Hugo, her brother, was questioning his dad for the hundredth time, on which the best houses were, subjects, teachers and where all the secret passages were. He didn't need to ask about quidditch as he had played it since he was just a year old. The Weasley and Potter families played it together every Saturday, mainly as their dads forced them. Hermione provided the snacks, Lee Jordan commentated, and even George's family came over to play. It was a great event that had been taking place for over 12 years, since James was little and Albus, Hugo and Lily weren't even born. They would have smaller matches then, with Teddy as well.

Anyway...... Once all the excitement and conversations had calmed down, Hermione and Ron decided to go to Diagon alley, due to the new lists of school equipment. Doing some quick, last minute planning, they all used floo powder and met their cousins, the Potters, outside Gringotts. They immediately spotted each other, Rose ran and hugged Lily, Hugo strolled over to James, high-fived him and hugged Albus. Their parents all hugged, went into Gringotts and collected their money. Lily and Rose never went in, the goblins were freaky and the carts made them sick. Same with Albus except for the goblin part; quite the contrary, he found them fascinating. James and Hugo went in with Ginny and Ron, whose caves were much more full than they had ever been, leaving Harry and Hermione to look after the three other kids.

Next, when the four had come out of Gringotts, the went to Flourish And Blotts, collecting their new school books. Rose and Albus quickly stole James' invisibility cloak, snuck upstairs to secretly meet their other best friend that made the trio, Scorpius Malfoy. It was forbidden, therefore secret friendship as the Potters and Weasleys were all against the Malfoys. They revealed themselves once they saw him lurking next to a wide bookshelf. 'Scorp!' Rose hugged her bestie excitedly. 'The holidays have been to long, we've missed you so much. It's been so boring, just me and Al,' Rose continued.
'Gee, thanks Rose.' Albus playfully took offence. 'Good to see you again Scorp.' Al shook his hand.
Scorpius then grinned, 'I've really missed you guys, you've got no idea how boring the holidays have been for me. At least you've had him as company Rosie, all I had was mother and the deranged house elf.' Rose laughed hysterically. 'But honestly, mum doesn't play quidditch, dad wasn't home much and the elf is always talking madness. I mean, come on?! My family are so boring.' Scorpius moaned.
'Don't worry Scorp, we're going to Hogwarts in less than a week! Not long now! I'm so excited' Rose was jumping up and down again.
Suddenly, a voice called up the stairs, ' Scorpius? Are you coming to get your new broom?' It was his father, Draco Malfoy.
Scorpius quickly replied,calling down the stairs, ' Yes dad, just a sec.' His voice went back to a whisper ' Oh yeah, that's the good news. Dad's finally getting me a new broom! I've got to go now, owl me or we can speak on the express. See ya!'
'Bye Scorp!' Rose and Albus simultaneously cried.
'C'mon, we should be going too.'

They both slipped back under the cloak and met their families outside Florean's Ice Cream Parlour. They were all sitting outside, with heaps of shopping, and ice creams in their hands.
'There you are. We knew you had snuck off somewhere, we assumed you'd went to look at brooms. Don't worry, we'll keep our promise and still get you all new brooms.' Hermione said, slightly grumpily.
'Umm... Yes, that's right. Me and Al just went to have a look mum.' Rose stated. She saw Albus raising his eyebrows, indicating she should use her eyes to make her mum see reason. So she then did, saying, ' Sorry if you were worried mum.' That did it. Hermione beamed at her.
'No problem sweetheart. Just next time, please tell at least one adult, we won't hesitate to say yes.'
'Yes!' Rose and Al thought. The eyes always worked.
Lily suddenly approached them holding two, large ice creams. 'Here guys. Got them for you. Sorry they ran out of watermelon flavour, Rosie. Will cherry do?'
'It's lovely thanks Lils,' replied Rose.
Lily lowered her voice, ' Oh and next time, tell me if you're seeing Scorpius, I'd love to meet him.' She winked and walked off.
Albus and Rose exchanged glances. Rose mouthed, ' How the hell? Is she a legilimens?' In return, Al shook his head, still looking stunned at her strange sister.

They all used side-along-apparation to get back to the Potter's place and when they did, Rose dragged Lily up to her room and shoved her onto the bed. Hugo and Albus, on the other hand, were still conversing on the subject of Hogwarts, and that Slytherin wasn't too bad, considering Albus himself was one. They sat at the kitchen table, non-stop chatting. The adults went to the front room to talk, however James followed Rose and Lily, using his father's invisibility cloak, to spy on them. Lily had casted the charm 'Muffliato' although when using extendable ears, anything was possible! James listened in...

'So Rosie, fancy anyone yet?' Lily started the conversation, the usual way Lily did.
'Lils, we've been through this approximately a hundred million times. I'm 13. You're 11, yes I know nearly 12, but still.'
'How to put it.... Well, I guess, life isn't a fairytale.'
'Come again'
'It's not easy, you know'
'Well then think about it you idiot'
'You don't just automatically get an awesome, amazing boyfriend appear if of thin air.'
'Well duh. And you forgot "Handsome".' Lily pulls a funny face.
'Lily please, gimme a break.' Rose looks frustrated but smiles.
'So let's just say, I'm thinking out loud here, that no one, at all, with the initials S.M interests you?' Lily pulls a cheeky yet innocent face.
'LILY LUNA! Scorp is my best friend, nothing more, nothing less. And with Albus, don't forget!' Rose shrieked, blushing slightly. Rose and Lily often had these types of arguments. Lily wanted to know everything but Rose was the private type.

James' POV:
Wow, I am having some lucky day! This precious information led its way into my ears. Rose, a Gryffindor, a Weasley, was Bffs with Scorpius, a Slytherin, a Malfoy! A SLYTHERIN! Well, the rest of the family weren't too biased against Slytherin anymore, due to the exception of Albus, but A MALFOY!?

Well.. Decisions had to be made... Should uncle Ron be told? It is MY responsibility, I guess. Ron would get so hacked off, and Rose would be grounded for about 10 years, not to mention just being in disgrace. She would be in deep, deep trouble. But, on the down side, Rose is a very gifted witch in terms of potions and charms. She'd try to poison me and curse me 'till I die. Maybe, just maybe, I'd be nice for once, and prevent a family feud. But, I could use this, in future, to blackmail Rose, Lily or Albus...

A/N: Hi guys, I'm open to ideas about what could happen, later in the book, as I would like there to be an interesting plot. Please comment, follow and vote!

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