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     Briar Ford was taking a two year break from the limelight. She had become famous,broken it off with her on again off again abusive boyfriend went to a facility to get her life back in order, hooked up with her ex again went on a major tour  and knowing he had married ,  when his wife wasn't around she hooked up with him almost every night that they didn't fight.  She hated herself everytime she thought about it, he treated her like shit, pushing her, throwing stuff at her sometimes when he got angry. He called her a slut numerous times due to her stage wardrobe. Which wasn't even revealing to say the least. She had shown more skin back in the early days of the band when she was in her thirties, hell even in her fourties, now the most anyone saw was a little top cleavage, but of course ,  aysa couldn't resist throwing his snide remarks, making her feel bad every chance he got. Yet, everytime he had asked her to come to him, she obeyed, maybe she still loved him? Maybe it cured the loneliness. She had reached her early fifties and couldn't shake him and she detested it.  As she put her pen back on her bedside table she felt a feeling she hadn't felt since her thirties when her ex boyfriend after aysa had gotten her pregnant and talked her into ending the pregnancy, which she still mourned and probably always would, part of her still hated him for coercing her to do it but she also had made the decision to listen. But.. wasn't she too old at this point? She wondered. Could it be messed up hormones? She sighed wishing the  nausea would pass, unfortunately in the middle of the night she woke up running to throw up.  "Dammit..!" She thought to herself  "maybe , it's just  the absolute shit I have been eating lately?''  remembering she had a pregnancy test left over  from a friend that had brought a few over to take a few months ago when she had a pregnancy scare.  She got into her cabinet under the bathroom sink grabbing the pink box and opening it.  Standing slowly , she sat back on the toilet peeing on the test end of the stick then capping it,setting it on the edge of the bath tub as she sipped water from a little bathroom disposable cup she used to rinse her mouth after brushing her teeth.  After the appropriate amount of minutes had passed she looked at the test.. there they were , 2 solid pink lines.  How could this be, aysa was married , he had 2 kids.  His wife was pregnant again with their 3rd child and god knows everyone of them so far had his eyes and it was blatantly obvious they were his eyes. "Fuck...fuck fuckedy fuck" she cursed "I'm too old for this..." "I can't go through with ending another pregnancy.. I can't have one of my children just randomly out in the world " she debated in her head...getting up slowly she threw the cup in the black marble  print bathroom trash can, and took the test into into her bedroom. She sat back down in bed staring at it. She couldn't believe it, she was pregnant with aysas' child and so was his wife. she lay awake for hours, drifting off sometime in the early morning hours with her bedside lamp still on.

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