Sanemi Shinazugawa

50 13 39

In the morning:

My alarm went off and I fell of my bed. A great start in tve day. I really hope my brother Genya is already gone.

As I go down, I see that Genya was sitting on the kitchen counter, talking with someone over his phone. I get myself some toast and toast it in our new toaster since the last one blew up.

As I finished eating, I went back to my room and started to dress into my school uniform. I hate our uniform. It's really uncomfortable. I left the first three buttons unbuttoned since that way it doesn't suffocate me and grab my already packed bag.

I run down the stairs and tell Genya that I'm already leaving even tho I still have half an hour before I need to go. Then suddenly I hear my phone buzzing in my pocket. The message is from Iguro, my best friend.

The text convo:

I: Hey Sanemi. Wanna meet at the cafe before school starts?

S: Sure. The one next to school?

I: Yeah.

S: Alright, I'll be waiting there.

I: I'm already there.

I read the last message and nee to smile a bit. Ofc he asked me after he was already there.

{Timeskip to the cafe}

I already see him sitting inside on a smal table at the window row. He kinda looks as lonely as Tomioka waiting like that. He just doesn't look as cute as him. WAIT WHAT! No,no,,no,no. Don't think like that!

Anyways. I enter the cafe and sit down with Iguro.

S: Good morning Iguro.

I: Morning.

S: What's wrong? Did anything happen?

I: Yeah. My mom kicked me out and I have nowhere to stay.

S: I would help you but we are too many in the house. Maybe ask Kanroji?

I: I'm not asking my crush if I can live with her!

S: Oh come on dude! She is not made of salt that she will just go away whenever you interact with her!

I: I know that! But it just doesn't feel right.

S: Well, how about Shinobu and Kanae? Kanae already took Kanao in after her parents died in that car crash. Why not you after you got kicked out?

I: Maybe I'll ask her.

S: Ok! So when that's settled...why where you kicked out?

I: I don't know. I think the just hate me.

S: Oh I think I know.

I: Why?

S: Remember. They said they'll kick you out at 16.

I: Oh yeah, I remember now.

S: Well anyways. Wanna actually get coffee or not?

I: Heck yeah! I'd kill for a cappuchino right now.

S: I see. You still like that sweet stuff.

I: And you still always drink espresso. Ew.

We ordered our coffee to go and got out of the cafe and into school. Us both still were a lot too early and just sat down in our first period class.

(btw I have literally no experience in this type of things so I'll just write like they have 5 on hour periods in a day)

The first class we have today is science. That is one of the subjects where I normally don't sit next to Iguro, but instead next to Tomioka. He most of the time isn't very helpfull. I don't really think he understands science so I sometimes help him.

The door suddenly opens and some other students come into the room to sit down. Out of the people I can spot two that I know rather good. But both piss me of every day really. It's Tengen and Rengoku. The two are always the two loudest in the room and it gets on my nerves.

After another ten miutes I see Tomioka and Shinobu walking in beside eachother. He clearly isn't interested in her. But I know for a fact she isn't attracted to him so I guess it's fine.

God I sound like a teenage girl with a crush on someone and wanting him all to myself.

Eh, probably nothing.

That's the end for the first chapter! Stay tuned for the next cause it's already cooking✨
Sorry it's so short TT.
Ly all and bye!

『ᡶꪮ ꪉꫀ ꪶꪮꪜꫀᦔ』 a SaneGiyu fanficWhere stories live. Discover now