new girl vs. the popular girl

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This is my first story on here so tell if i need to do anything to make this story and future stories better.

Katie's POV

     I wake up to the sound of Rolling in the Deep by Adele. i look at my alarm clock its 6:15. Another day at school. I can't wait. I get up wearing my Victoria's Secret black Lacey bra and matching panties covered by my pink comfy robe.

     I'm Katie Mitchell, 16, bright blue eyes, long straight shiny blond hair. I'm known as the school's most popular girl at school. I have two best friends named Sara and Jen. Sara has hazel eyes with long shiny brownish hair, and Jen has glossy black hair that is a little shorter then mine and green eyes.

Anyway, i got to Whitman High school, the only thing I like about it is the hot guys and my friends. but i make it through somehow. Today is a special day because it's Friday! and tonight is Drew's party. Drew is the most popular guy in our school, the quarterback for the football and we are made for each other because i'm the head cheerleader. I hope he will ask me out tonight if not i will make moves on him that will make any guy want to be with me.Well i better get ready for school. i take a quick shower today im going to wear my Juicy Couture sweat outfit. I just got it yesterday at the mall. it's a beautiful dark blue color and for shoes my brown UGGS the fact that its winter and freezing outside. and for makeup, liquid eyeliner, gray eyeshadow,mascara, and pink lip gloss. Then i just simply brush and blow dry my hair sice it's naturally straight. 

         Sara and Jen are here to pick me up for school. i better go. i go downstairs and take a granola bar for school. i say goodbye to my parents and go out  door.

In the Car

" I heard there's going to be a new girl in our school" Jen said.

" Let's hope she's loser because then she's no competition for us against her" Sara said with sneer.

   Soon we get school. " Here we are!" i scream excited.

In Science class

       " OK students we have a new student joining us today" The teacher says" Her name is Kirstie Walls"

      "Umm...Hi" she says quietly barely enough for the class to hear.

     " Kirstie go and seat next to Drew over there" he says

    " I told you she's not competition for us" Sara said in a know it all way.

  "she looks hideous, look at those clothes my grandma wouldn't be caught wearing that!" Jen exclaimes

   "looks like we have our next target girls" i say with a smirk.

Kirstie's POV

         I go and seat next to this hot guy. He's probably a jock. I see the popular girls already giving me glares. Drew is probably one of the popular girls boyfriends.

    I'm not that ugly from what i heard at my old school, but here almost everyone even the non-populars are  pretty.i have greenish- gray eyes with brown wavy hair.i'm a little overweight but what can i say? i like food. i feel like i don't belong here. Hopefully i will at least have one friend here.

     I get to my seat and then i feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around there is a girl there." Hi! i'm Alexa" she says all happy.

     " Hi...." i said a little down.

    " ooh Don't worry about Katie and her crew, don't even bother messing with them, there're a waste of time" Alexa said to try and make me feel better. "Well, OK i guess"

   In Lunch

      " Hi!!!!" Alexa yells loud. " come on and sit with me and my other friends". " ok" i simply say after buying my lunch i follow Alexa to her table with her friends.

     " Hey people meet Kirstie she just started school here today" alexa said all excited

   i look and see two average looking guys and another girl with wavy dark hair.

   "Hi i'm Rachel" the girl said.

    " Hey i'm Mike and this is Tom" the boy with brownish hair said.

    Mike has hazel eyes with brownish hair and Tom has black hair with green eyes.

     Then i see Katie and her other friends giving me looks of hate." Why are Katie and her friends giving me those looks?" i ask Alexa.

     "Probably because they want to make you feel unwanted. Well they are wrong because we want you here to be friends with us".

    The rest of lunch Kirstie and her new friends laugh, talk and eat together.

 Drew's POV(Drew has brown hair with Brown eyes and is very muscular)

       " So what do you think of that new girl Kirstie?" My best friend Owen asked me.

     "I don't know, But tonight i'm think i'm going to ask out Katie at my party" i said with a grin.

       "You two would be the perfect couple. And, for what i heard is that Katie likes you a lot" Owen said said with a dirty smirk on his face. "so do you think you're gonna hook up with her?"

  "don't know it depends on what happens"

    Katie"s POV

           "Hey girls i have a idea why don't we go and dump this food on Kirstie head that would be a good laugh" i said with a laugh.

 I got up from my seat bringing a tray of spaghetti. and then i dumped it all over her head. She gasped and turned around, she got so mad. then everyone was staring at her and it was quiet then everyone burst out laughing. Kirstie ran out of the cafeteria. Sara and Jen came still laughing and said "That was so funny. Nice going Katie".Drew came up to me and said " You know you didn't have to do that to her"

  "Um yeah i did' i said laughing

  "Whatever Katie i'm going to see if she's OK" he said angrily

  " Since when did he care about the ugly freak?". i said in a sly tone

   Kirstie"s POV

     Why did she have to do that to me? she had to do that in front of the whole school. i haven't even been here a whole day and she is already screwing my life up. i already get enough crap from my parents because i'm overweight and now i have to deal with her crap too. All the sudden i see Drew coming up to me.

" You okay?" he said being sympathetic

"Not really" i said with tears falling from my eyes.

 "Hey don't let her get to you. She can be a real bitch sometimes". he said trying to cheer me up a little.

 i tried to stop the tears from falling but i can't control them."I haven't even been here on day and she is already giving me crap". i said still crying.

 "Hey how about you come to my party tonight. Here's a invitation" he handed me a card.

 i wiped the rest of the tears away." OK" i said a little more happy the fact i would be going to my first high school party and it's only my first day of school.

 "It will tell you everything about the party" Drew said" ill see you later"

The rest of the day Kirstie was so excited about the party that after school she's going to the mall to get a new dress for it.

   comment and tell me if i need to change anything to make it better the next chapter will be when Kirstie goes to the mall and Drew's party. Also we will see what the girls do when Kirstie is at the party.

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