There are five stages when five gets his 'period'. Obviously men don't get periods I just call them that because it only happens six days a month. They are called:
Y/n's pov
I was practicing my powers ,which are anything you can think of ,
I was practicing lightning ⚡🌩️ in the back of the academy. Until I saw Five standing by the door wrapped in a blanket with only his head sticking out.When he noticed I was looking at him , he walked towards me , opened his blanket and wrapped it around me pulling me towards him. His arms wrapped around my neck and my head in his chest with my arms around his waist.
------------------A little while later--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Okay baby I need to start practicing again." I said as I lightly pushed him away,"No, you can do that later" he said in a baby voice and gave me puppy eyes that he knew I could not say no to
"Fine , you know I can't say no to you" I said as I hugged him again and teleported us to our room.
Y/n's pov
I was in my room reading a book when I heard soft cries from the room next to mine , it was Fives room. I wanted to know if he was okay , so I walked to his room and knocked on the door I heard sniffing and then the door opened. I saw Five with a red nose, red cheeks and blood shot eyes.
"Hey baby, you okay?" He didn't answer my question he just pulled me into his room and locked the door, he pulled me in a hug and started sobbing," hey , hey ,hey are you okay?" I asked in a worry ,"no , I'm sad" he replied in a between sobs and in a sad voice that broke my heart. He eventually calmed down.
He cried again
I was in the living room with Allison and Viktor, I saw reading my favorite book physical (I love that book I'll put the link at the end of the book). I heard footsteps walking into the living room , I looked up from my book to see Five , he looked mad ,don't know why he looked hot tho, when he saw me he teleported to me grabbed me and teleported us to our room.
He threw me on the bed, made out me and then fucked me , I'm not complaining it was good ,really good.
We did it again
And again
And aga-
Y/n's pov
I was about to go shopping when I heard yelling upstairs, it was coming from five's room but who is he yelling at....
I knocked on the door , because I didn't wanna just teleport in ,five opened the door and Klaus was behind him ,"hey baby, what are you doing here"he asked as if I'm not supposed to be,"I heard yelling"I replied, I was confused on what they were yelling about , but not surprised they were yelling.
"What are you yelling about" I asked , "Klaus drank all the coffee" five replied like it was normal to yell at some body just of coffee,"I'm going to the mall , do you want me to buy you some more?"I asked , "yes , thank you baby". "No problem dimples."
Y/n's pov
Five and I were watching a movie ,inside out, I loved this movie every since it came up and was watching it for the 100th time , but I never watched it with five and it was Fives first time watching it so I got popcorn and more other snacks.
We were watching the part where Bing Bong dies, I heard sniffing next to me, I look over to see Five crying,"hey baby,you okay?"I asked him chuckling lightly , he looked at me like I was insane for not crying,"Its so sad,how are you not crying" he asked as he wapped his tears,"I don't know baby"I said as I turned the TV off
Now you might be wondering why I only said five stages when there's six days , well the sixth day is not really a stage he just ignores me untill the next day. So I don't see him or hear from him untill the sixth day is over.
I don't know how I feel about this but here it is , I do take requests, so you guys can comment ideas.
Have you guys watched season four of the umbrella academy yet, I haven't but I've seen edits and tell me why they kiss, and then he gets sad when she rejects him, like why did they have to make him a homewrecker and make him look really bad
I hope you liked this new chapter and I'll see you next time
Bye❤️The link for the book physical:

Five Hargreaves/Aidan Gallagher/Nicky Harper
FanfictionThis is my very first book so please do not judge, I'm new to this I will try to post every day but I don't know what will happen with school and everything, but I love you guys and I really hope you enjoy😊🥰❤️