1:Who are you?

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There was a little nine year old boy. He had navy blue hair and dark blue eyes.

He was at the park with his brother, Yukio, who was playing in a sand box with another kid.

The blue haired boy was on a swing. Until he heard someone around the corner of the park.

"Why are your eyes purple? That's weird!" A boy said to a girl in the corner. The two boys both had their arms crossed.

"I was born like this." Murmured the girl.

"Ehhhh. That's really weird! What are you a demon or something?" Said the boy beside the other. Then the other boy laughed"yeah! That's it! She must be a demon!"the boys started to crowd the girl.

Right then, the blue haired boy snapped. He is always called a demon. Maybe because his temper. But no one should be called something they're not! It's just plain rude!

"Hey! Leave her alone!!" Yelled the navy haired boy, running at the group.

Right when the two boys turned around, all they saw were fists. The two boys were being pummelled to the ground.

"Sato! let's get out of here!" Yelled one of the boys."demon!" the other boy known as Sato yelled, as they both started to run. Never to be seen again.

The navy blue haired boy just glared the direction the boys ran.

"um" the boy heard a soft voice and turned around seeing the girl he saved. She wore a green dress, and just like the boys said, she had purple eyes and she had short black hair.

The girl also was wearing a necklace with a crescent moon pendent on it. The necklace had some kind of glow to it too. Probably from the light of the actual moon. The blue haired boy didn't think the girl looked like a demon at all. She looked beautiful to him.

"Thank you for saving me" the girl said with a closed eye smile. The boy smiled, rubbed the back of his neck, and gave her a toothy grin

"hehe no problem! I just don't like it when people call people demons. They call me that a lot." The boy said now with a sad smile.

"Oh. I see. I'm the same. But I've gotten used to it" the girl said also with a sad smile.

This made the boy curious. "How can she get used to it?" He thought. So he asked"how can you get used to it? I could never."

The girl looked at him with those piercing purple eyes and said"I don't know. I just did. I got used to being called a demon."

There was silence between the two until the girl spoke."hey! Why don't we be demons together?"

"Demons together?" Asked the boy.

"Yeah so we won't get sad or angry or lonely. We can stick together and be demons together!"the girl exclaimed with a hopeful smile.

The boy just stared at the girl in wonder until he smiled and gave a toothy grin."Yeah! Let's be demons together!"

Then the boy held out a pinky."promise?" The girl giggled and linked her pinky with his


"Oh and so we won't forget our promise, here." The girl pulled out a necklace that was similar to hers, except it was a crescent blue moon.

"My foster mother gave it to me. She told me it was from my real mom and she said that I will find someone that is like me and understands me." The girl smiled at the necklace "Once I found them I should give this to them. I think the person she was talking about was you"

The girl placed the necklace in the boys hands."Wow! It looks so cool! Thanks!" The boy gave another toothy grin.

"Oh yeah! I haven't even told you my name yet! I'm Rin Okumura! What's your name?" Rin asked. The girl smiled"I'm-"

"Nii-San!... Nii-San! Wake up already!" Yelled Yukio.

Rin woke up to the sound of his brother with a very annoyed look on his face. He sat up on his elbows, glaring at his twin, Yukio.

"what do you want four-eyes?!" Yelled Rin

"we have school today. You need to get ready. Honestly. What's up with you? You've been acting weird for a few days now. "Yukio said.

Rin sighed"sorry Yukio. It's just... Lately I've been having the same dream over and over. And it always ends at the same spot!...I just wanna know her name." Rin murmured the last part but Yukio still heard it.

"Who's name?" Rin told Yukio about the dream he's been having lately. "What do you think it means?" Asked Rin.

Yukio adjusted his glasses."I think it means... that you have really gotten desperate for a girl to like you, so you made up one."

This caused Yukio to get slapped upside the head."not like that four-eyes!" Rin yelled.

Yukio chuckled,"Okay. I don't really know what this dream's about but I'm sure it'll stop eventually. Now. Hurry up and get ready, or you'll be late for class."

Yukio walked out of the room, leaving Rin glaring at the door.

Authors note:
Hello everyone! That was my very first fanfiction! I hope you liked it! Please vote and comment! And the girl in the picture is the mysterious girl in Rin's dream! Who could she be?^.^

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