The dinner and his feelings

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After 2 days event today is dinner and Tommorow is wedding day

Is everyone ready we are leaving "mami said"

"Yes we are" alina responded

Mami: wow Alina u are looking gorgeous

Alina; thank u mommy

Ammi; my daughter is looking so Masha Allah

Thank u ammi

Where is maryam " ammi said

Ammi im here maryam responded she wore a black lace gown she was looking like a princess

Mami; Masha Allah u look adorable

"Thank u hajiya"

Mami: Stop calling me hajiya call me aunty mami or mommy kinji u are also my daughter

Ammi; yes u are our daughter

The bride went to a bridal shop and photograph she will go from there

Arif; hello u all are looking beautiful he eyed maryam

Haneef also came in : let's go the car is ready

There we're 2 cars 
Haneef's car, arifs car

Haneef; mom and ammi u can enter arifs car while maryam and Alina will enter my car

Arif; okay

Haneef opened the front door for maryam but Alina walked quickly and entered the car

Haneef was standing looking at her he then closed the door and opened the back door for maryam she entered

They car was so silent Haneef was looking at his front rare mirror he was looking at maryam who was so focused on the road Alina was becoming angry

Okay let me tell u a brief story about Alina
Alina loves Haneef she wants to marry him and ammi and mami  promised Alina that she will get married to Haneef
But Haneef only sees her as a sister nothing more

At the dinner event center it was so huge and colorful and classy

The bride wore a white dress she was looking cute and her husband is so handsome

They had a great dinner it was time to leave

Maryam was sitting alone when a man approached her

The man; hello preety my name is umar how are u u are so pretty can I get ur number please

Maryam; hello I'm good I don't have a phone

Umar; how can a preety girl not have a phone
Maryam: I don't have I'm sorry

Haneef saw the from far he went

Haneef; hello what's happened here Mr man

Umar; who are u are u her brother I
Love ur sister

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