Titanus Sonic The KaijuHog (A. R. Sonic The Hedgehog)

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Name: Titanus Sonic the KaijuHog

Alias: The Blue Blur, Speed Demon, The Beast of Mobius, The Fastest Kaiju Alive, New Ally of Daikaiju Warriors and Alien Dino Thunder Megaforce

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Alias: The Blue Blur, Speed Demon, The Beast of Mobius, The Fastest Kaiju Alive, New Ally of Daikaiju Warriors and Alien Dino Thunder Megaforce

Species: Titanus Mobian

Origin: Mobius (Monsterverse Variant) [Between Daikaiju-Verse and Megaforce-Verse]

Affiliation: Defender of Earth, Guardian of Mobius

Height: 320 feet (97.5 meters)

Length: 500 feet (152 meters) from nose to tail tip

Weight: 80,000 tons


Super Speed: Titanus Sonic can reach speeds exceeding Mach 5 on land, generating shockwaves that can topple buildings. His immense size and speed create a supersonic boom that can devastate entire cities.

Quill Barrage: His quills can be launched as high-velocity projectiles, tearing through anything in their path. They regrow quickly, allowing him to fire multiple volleys.

Supersonic Spin: Titanus Sonic can curl into a massive spiked ball, using his speed to become an unstoppable force of destruction. In this form, he can bulldoze through mountains and large kaiju alike.

Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Blast: The energy he generates during his spin attacks can be released as an EMP, disabling electronic devices within a large radius.

Enhanced Durability: His dense fur and hide can withstand extreme temperatures, powerful impacts, and most forms of weaponry, including missiles and kaiju attacks.

Regenerative Healing: Like other titans, Titanus Sonic has a fast healing factor, allowing him to recover from injuries that would be fatal to lesser beings.

Roar of the Blue Blur: A powerful sonic roar that can disorient and incapacitate other kaiju, shattering glass and creating shockwaves that level buildings.

Speed Force Connection: Titanus Sonic taps into a cosmic energy source known as the Speed Force, giving him the ability to temporarily increase his speed to light-speed levels, and manipulate time and space around him during these moments.

Signature Attack:

Chaos Cyclone: Titanus Sonic gathers energy from the Speed Force and his surroundings, creating a vortex of chaos energy. He then launches himself at his enemy at supersonic speed, delivering a devastating, multi-hit attack that can obliterate even the toughest kaiju. The force of this attack is enough to warp reality temporarily, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

A/N: Credits go to KaijuMaster20

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