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The two vehicles are driving through the abandoned city.

Marcus: [taps comm] "Control, this is Delta. We're out and we have the mapping data, over".

"The train is leaving now. The Lightmass bomb is mounted and ready to deploy".

Marcus: [hits breaks, APC stopping] "Wait... The bomb is on a train?".

"Affirmative. Command identified an imulsion sinkhole as our primary target. The trains going to deliver the bomb. Your targeting data will do the rest".

Maverick: [taps comm] "Where are we meeting this, Lightmass bomb?".

"You'll rendezvous with the train at Timgad station".

Marcus: "Copy that. Delta out".

Anthony looks ahead and sees a tipped car blocking their path.

Anthony: "Look out!".

Maverick: "Shit!".

Both the APC and Sauron swerve through and halt as they come to a raised drawbridge.

Baird: "Ah shit". [groans] "This figures".

Delta exit their vehicles.

Marcus: "Let's get this bridge down. Mav, you take Baird and check the controls. The rest of us will stay and guard the vehicles".

Dom: "Hurry up, man. That Brumak was right behind us".

Anthony: "Please, I don't feel like almost dying twice in two days".

Cole: "This place just ain't right".

Maverick: "Let's go, Princess".

Maverick and Baird hustle up the stairs to the controls. Baird tried working them, and th bridge starts to lower until it sparks and rolls back up.

Baird: [scowls in anger] "Ahh... No you don't, you piece of--".

Baird punches the console as they then hear growling and Locust start to crawl up the ladders around the bridge.

Dom: "Company!".

Maverick and Baird hop down and help the rest of Delta as they take down the ambush. Cole shoots down the last one and Baird comes up angrily.

Baird: "This is bullshit! [growls in annoyance] "They were waiting for us! They know what we're doing!".

Maverick: "I'm inclined to agree with the goggle wearing princess, they know what the fuck we're doing!".

Marcus: "Control, this is Delta. We're stuck at an open drawbridge. We need to restore power to this sector. Please advise".

"Copy that, Delta. Stand by... I see downed electrical lines near your location. Follow the waterfront to Nassar Memorial Park and attempt to repair".

Marcus: [nods] "Roger that. Dom, Maverick, you two are with me. Baird, Cole, Carmine, you three stay here and guard the vehicles".

Baird: "This is nuts. There's gotta be another way--".

Marcus: "Baird!". [Baird shuts up] "My squad, my call. Be ready to move as soon as the power comes back online".

Baird: [snarkily] "Whatever, boss man".

Baird, Cole, and Anthony head back to the vehicles. Marcus leads Dom and Maverick through an open building and drop down through a hole onto the lower floor.

Dom: "Man, you sounded just like your old man back there".

Marcus: "Yeah, well, screw my old man. He thought he could prevent this war, and look what happened".

𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔚𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔞 𝔏𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯! | Alexandra Brand [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now