chapter 11: preparation for school year

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Evans pov :

Stella and I were transfering the information we guardered based on our interview in to her modem .

Then she got on with writing her report. While I looked for something interesting to do to pass time ......, I thought of drawing until I heard a knock on the door .

Which I opened and ma'am Briana was at the door .

"Good morning Evans" she says with a smile

"Good morning ma'am Briana " I smiled in return

"Can I come in ?" She asked

"Off course..!" I said giving her way to come in .

"Good morning ma'am braina " Stella and mora both said

"Good morning girls, " she said with a big smile

" Ok girls listen up theres an information that I have to share with you all...... " She said giving us time to settle in before she continued

" Ok here are the rules and regulations of the school and crimes as well as their sanctions,
As you all know , the school is incharge of all your expenses and everything that concerns you , but also the school won't tolerate any inappropriate behavior from u , also you would have to make sure to keep your grades high cus if your academic performance drops there's high probability that your scholarship becomes void ...same goes for your conduct .
So ur expected to keep a good profile and good academic performance....with that , the school will fiance you to any level of education you might want to reach. Ok is the information well understood?" She asked

"Yes ma'am Briana " we all said in chorus

"Good ! , do go through that and.......ohhhh " she said removing another piece of paper from her board " here you go, fill in this information and when your done come to my office to submit it and get your school items ok ? "
She said

And we all nodded

"I will see you all later then " she said then left

The document she just handed to us ,contained information on our study preference .

A while after

We filled in the information given to us then read through the rules and regulations of the school, as well as crimes and sanctions.

All we had to do now was find our way to ma'am Briana's office...thank God we're we stood had a direction screen, but we didn't know how to use it .

"How do there turn it on " mora asked scanning all the corners of the screen to find a power button.

"Maybe we should just tab it" Stella said giving the screen a lil tap and it came on .

(Stella smiles) "See not that hard !"

" Ok so do you know how to get it to direct us to ma'am Briana's office?" Mora asked with a (smirk)

" Ehhhhhh.......(Stella says look dumbstrock   at the screen )ok Evans you take over she said moving away

"Emmm let's see ...." I looked at the screen carefully and I saw a small microphone 🎤 by the side ...I tapped on it and the began to speak..saying I should say what I need to the mic , which I did and it gave us direction to ma'am Briana's office

We followed the directions given to us by the screen and it led us straight to ma'am Briana's office.

I knocked then waited for a reply

"Come in !" I heard
"Hello ma'am Briana" we said

"Hi girls , have u filled the form and gone through the rules ?"

"Yes ma'am we have.
And we promise to try our very best not to disappoint you " Stella said

We handed the form to her and she went through it .

"Ok ...! You guys are in luck .... there still supplies left for u guys, every other thing u would need will be given to u when school reopens " ma'am Briana said

She led us through a door in her office and we entered in it and the room was full of variety of supplies tacked with different names, we search through the room and then found our stuffs, three boxes stood together with other things at the side.

We took our things then thanked her and left.

The best thing I love about packages or gifts is opening them so we opened each our boxes and we found lots of things inside like; cool books with amazing designs , beautiful shiny pens and pencils, a medium size red bag pack which had butterflies on it , designers shoes and socks, sandals, clothes all to our colour of preference.

All the things were very beautiful and I just couldn't wait to try them on especially the special diary with a lock and extra drawing book that came along with its own pen , pencils, eraser and colours one I have always wanted.

We were all given things according to our study preference so Stella who will do modeling , had mainly high heels and new brand cloths as well as other things she would need

Same goes for mora and I.

After checking out all our things we decided to start our preparation for the school year......we placed our things in order and everything was set for school.

" Just two more weeks to go and we will be able to use all this amazing stuffs 😁" Stella said with a smile..... and we all laughed.

EVANS DE LA GRANDE Where stories live. Discover now