Understanding California Employment Law: Complete Guide

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Being a Californian, it is crucial that you know about your workplace rights and the protections available to you. The regulations can be quite overwhelming, with new laws being passed every day. That's why the Law Offices of Cummings & Franck, P.C., are here to guide you through understanding California Employment Law.

What is California Employment Law?

California employment law refers to both state and federal labor laws that regulate how employers should pay their workers for work done, working hours, working conditions, discrimination and many more. Basically, these statutes are intended to protect employees from misdeeds by employers. It is important for all employees to know these rules so as they will not be violated at work.

Minimum Wage Laws

By January 1, 2021, the minimum wage payable in California rose up from $13 per hour to $14 per hour for businesses with more than 25 employees, while those with less than 25 employees saw their minimum wage increase from $12 per hour to $13 per hour. As part of raising the minimum wage business-wise, this increase will rise steadily until it reaches fifteen dollars for all businesses in 2023.In essence, following these adjustments matters a lot, both for workers themselves and for the company's management.

Overtime Pay

In California, non-exempt workers are eligible for overtime payment if they put in more than eight hours within one day or forty weekly hours. Overtime pay must at least equal one-and-a-half times an employee's regular hourly rate. This means that if an employee normally earns $20/hour, then his/her overtime would be paid at the rate of $30/hour for extra hours worked during overtime. Understanding how overtime pay works enables employees to receive fair wages when they work extra time.

Meals and Rest Breaks

Employees who work continuously for five hours or more are entitled to a thirty-minute unpaid meal break plus two ten-minute rest breaks during the day. However, some staff members are exempt from this rule, depending on specific industry regulations. Knowledge of your break entitlements ensures a balance between work and life outside it.

Anti-Discrimination Laws

California has some of the toughest anti-discrimination laws that prevent discrimination on grounds such as race, gender, religion, and age, among others. These rules also require employers to create a harassment-free working atmosphere and not victimize anyone who lodges a complaint about discriminatory behavior. Being aware of these laws makes workplaces safer and more inclusive.

Family Leave Laws

The California Family Rights Act (CFRA) is a state law which mandates employers that meet certain thresholds to provide up to twelve weeks off for eligible employees due to childbirth, adoption or caring for an ill family member. This legislation also allows for pregnancy disability leave, which provides up to sixteen weeks for women with pregnancy-related conditions. With this knowledge in mind, workers can take time off when necessary without any fear of losing their jobs.

Steps You Can Take

If you feel like your employer has breached any of these laws or violated your rights in any way, it is important for you to act. The starting point should always be consulting an experienced employment attorney at Cummings & Franck, P.C. Law Offices. They will assess the situation you are in and guide you through the best course of action that suits your case most suitably. Taking immediate measures might help protect your rights as well as seek justice.


In general, grasping California employment law is vital for self-defense and equality in workplaces. The statutes are always changing; therefore, it is important to seek support from legal professionals like Cummings & Franck, P.C . These attorneys will fight for your rights as an employee and ensure they are not violated. If you suspect any of your rights have been breached by your employer or you received various forms of ill-treatment, don't wait to consult a lawyer who specializes in such cases. In conclusion, having information is a strength to employees.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 10 ⏰

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