Angel Academy: Rebirth (2)

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*I sincerely hope you guys are happy now, after all this hate mail I've gotten. Well, I'm happy too. I hope you guys enjoy this after all this time that passed. Give me feedback! :D ♥ - Brynne*

~Emma's Point of View~

My head raced as we passed the familiar scenery. I couldn't believe I was going back. It felt like I was returning to another world. My world.

I sighed. My normal summer has now ended. Back to the elemental world. I smiled excitedly. I imagined Trinity's squeals when she saw me. My heart sunk. What if they got a new roommate? I bet they did. I frowned.

What was Headmaster going to say? Would I get a lecture? Punishment? Would he be dissapointed? I know I was...

I stared at the back of Merick and Riley's head. Did they miss me? Did they worry? How did my friends react to this?

What did Merick think?

"Wow. Someone's tired. Ahhh. De ja vu," Riley moaned towards me, clutching his head. I giggled and remembered the first time I met the boys. This is just like the first kidnapping, which seemed years ago.

I saw Merick grin in the front mirror. He looked like he had a lot on his mind. Was he thinking about me?

I froze as we pulled up to the school. It seemed even bigger than before and more busy. We parked and slowly got out. My eyes instantly cast down and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

The boys gave me reassuring nods. We headed towards the school. Along the courtyard and grounds students stopped and stared at me. All the voices dropped to whispers. My stomach squirmed.

Merick and Riley pushed open the huge mahogany doors. The scent of the school invaded me. The footsteps and the voices made my ears ring. Memories came rushing back. I was home.

Once again people stopped and stared, their faces shocked. Some smiling.... some glaring.

"Emma Rose," a voice rang out. Time seemed to freeze. At the top of the stairs stood Jenna Harren. She slid down the railing of the stairs, landing right infront of us gracefully. I rolled my eyes.

Jenna stood an inch taller than she did before. Her blue eyes seemed colder and her stare was of a python preparing to strike. I was not scared though. Not anymore.

I nodded towards her and tried to pass her. She stopped me.

"Why are you back?" she questioned. I clenched my teeth.

"Well, it's not so I can see bitches like you again," I answered. My words seemed to ring out through the entire school. I left her gaping. We entered the Headmaster's room. He stopped writing and looked straight into my eyes. I squirmed.

"Emma Rose," He sighed. I sat down glumly, like a child who stole a cookie from the cookie jar.

"Tell me. Why did you do it?" he questioned. I bent my head down. After a minute he spoke again.

"Well? Tell me," he said with a little more force.

"I-.... it's complicated..." I mumbled. His eyebrows furrowed.

"Ah. Something more complicated than someone like me could understand? Interesting..." he murmured. I blushed and stayed silent.

"You will tell me now," he boomed. What he said was also played in my head. I clutched my head and yelped softly. Merick's hand tightened into a fist.

"I'm scared! Ok? I was an inexperienced elementalist. I still am. I have all this power that I just can't control. I have Jared Black going after me. I feel like I just entered this new world and I already have the enemy watching me. I just feel alone," I beamed, my eyes were watery. I could see that the last thing I said affected Merick and Riley. They looked like they had just been slapped in the face.

Headmaster Aaron gazed at me and once again sighed.

"What do you have to be afraid of? Experience and control is something you can contain. Being a level five fire elementalist is something you are born with. You have the whole school behind you. Yes, Black is an issue. He will always be one. But I have faith in you. If I didn't, I wouldn't have brought you back here," he said, his words hitting me like the fiercest storm. I finally nodded gloomily. He stood, led us to the door, and placed a hand on me.

"Everything you will need is in your dorm," he declared. I blinked.

"And no, we did not replace you. You are still with Miss. Trinity and Miss. Ava," he added. It was like he read my mind. I stared at him, paranoid. Could he.....?

Riley bumped into me and I came back to earth. I nodded dumbly to the Headmaster. He smiled and let us out. I sighed a big breath of relief.

"Well, he didn't eat you. That's one good thing," smiled Riley. The three of us stared at each other happily. We headed towards my dorm. I jumped as Riley kicked open the door and dropped down on one knee.

"I have returned fair maidens!" he called out pompously, his eyes closed as if he was waiting for adoring feedback. Trinity and Ava looked up from what they were doing. Their eyes widened instantly and they squealed. Pushing Riley out of the way, Trinity attacked me. I couldn't tell if Merick was laughing at Riley's rejection or of the whole event. I assumed both.

I stared at Ava. She stared darkly at me.

"Oh great. My protoge is back. Lovely," she grinned sarcastically. I couldn't resist smiling. We hugged.

I was instantly bombarded with questions. The boys and I stared at them, shocked at how much the girls could say in so little time.

"Alright alright," I begged. They ceased their chattering.

"Yes I'm back for good. No I'm not hurt. Yes I missed you guys. And yes, I agree that Riley is full of hot air," I laughed.

"Hey!" complained Riley loudly. We all laughed.

My face eventually started to hurt from smiling at my elemental badasses and my heart felt like it was going to burst. I started to ask myself why I ever left in the first place. I was back though.

Home sweet home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2011 ⏰

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