Chapter two

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This is the best day of Maya's life, it was the first day she was going to start high school!!!

She was officially in year 7, although to admit, she was going to miss all her old friends she will meet many new people and make lots of new friends. The only person she was going to miss more than anything was her best friend Isabella Nation.

At first, they all got introduced to their forms and their form tutors. Maya felt scared of all the new people and places. She then was taken to her form class where she was seated next to someone she knew well, it was Robert! O boy was she glad to see him. She got involved in a talent show in year six and Robert's dance group came second. As the year slowly started to go by, she finally memorised the school map and knew where she was going, and also made a few friends. She already knew Lilly from primary school so there was nothing new about them two being BFFs like always, but she made a new friend called Kaley who is her best friend and two arch enemies called Yasmine and also Sallie. She also made a lot of friends called Yasmin (there are two Yasmin's, but they are spelt differently), Niya, Kubenika, Kanvi, Zahra, Selina and Nandini.

Everything is going just as it is supposed to for Maya. She is perfectly happy.

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