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I walked down the hallway with Aurelia explaining what happened when she was gone . To be honest even though I was gonna pretend to like Nancy,Elizabeth,Lauren? I still don't care enough to remember her name,because I cared about Josh and wanted him to be happy doesn't mean I was ever gonna warm up to her.As soon as she started commenting on Aurelia's hobbies I already knew she was bad news. "Are you sure that's what she said ,maybe she said something else and your just interpreting it wrong." Aurelia softly said as we made our way to the car. No aure she said quote on quote "who cares what Aurelia thinks ." . Aurelia let out a loud sigh before saying"wow...i didnt know she felt that way. What do you think her problem is?" I don't know but she needs to figure it out before someone figures it out for her ,and by someone i mean me. Aurelia laughed quietly getting in the car with me . The boys pulled out of the garage lining up their car next to ours . I look at them with my shades on . You guys ready to lose like last year?,I say smirking. "Hey we only lost because girls drive like maniacs " josh said teasingly . Aurelia gaped her mouth open gasping . "Katie we definitely have to beat them now ,we cant let them trash talk us like this and still lose.". It's alright I got some new improvements on the cars that are sure to make us win . "You could attach the flash himself to that car and you still couldnt beat us " Peter said laughing. Pipe down peter pan by the time you guys get to Sam's your diabolical mint and caramel ice cream is gonna be melted . Peter pouted and stuck out his tounge sitting back as me and Aurelia laughed. Josh just rolled his eyes playfully and said "Are you guys ready to race or do you wanna stall longer ?" . Yeah,whatever on my mark . ON YOUR MARK....,my hands gripped the wheel as I had my eyes directly set on the road ahead of us in front of the tall blue gates that surrounded the house with vines that wrapped around them . GET SET...,I fixed my posture and gave a quick glance at the rear view mirror . GOOOO I shouted . Me and Aurelia got pushed back into our seats when I slammed on the gas. Me and Josh both zoomed out of the gates making our way onto the open road. As my car started to run out of momentum I saw the boys on our right. Josh said yelling over the loud wind "having fun eating our dust ?" I rolled my eyes glancing between them and the road . What are you talking about were ahead of you by a little bit . "Not for long" josh snickered. Within the blink of an eye I saw Josh and peter speed ahead of us. "Kate you cant let them get ahead of us their getting away!"Aurelia said fastly. Oh don't worry I have a plan. Without a second thought I made the car go in a 180 and stop shifting the gear foward then popping it back to speed down crest cave. "What are you doing this isnt the way to sams,at this rate we'll never catch up to them! ",nuh uh this is the way the boys don't know to Sam's. It's a shortcut,if we take this route Sam's is straight ahead,I may have done a little bit of research on black balls map so we could find a way to win again this time ,I say proudly . "Ah ha,i get it ,pretty slick,but i like it ,Aurelia said smiling brightly". Hang on tight because this road is a shortcut but it's a bumpy and wet one .I stomped on the gas as Aurelia slammed back into her seat again and the car start bumping every which way . Duck! I shouted out . "Duck for what? " Aurelia shouted back confused. Another second later a big flash of water covered me and Aurelia's hair . We finally made our way out of the tunnel and I could see Aurelia crossing her arms staring at me with a angry frown. Look there's Sam's right ahead behind those narrow trees . Are you serious right now Katie you didn't tell me your little "shortcut" was ariel's vacation home!" She said as she squeezed her hair out the window . Hey I told you it was a bumpy and wet shortcut I shrug . We rolled into the parking lot and got out the car squeezing out are hair,and ran up to the cash register. Hey my old man Sam,I say smiling. Hey girls it's been a while,Sam mutters with a raspy voice with a soft smile. "Are you sick or something Sam you got a little bit of a frog in your throat", Aurelia puts her hands on the counter concerned. "No don't worry kid, its probably just a little cold,nothing to lose sleep over "he says coughing a little bit. He gives me and her a reassuring smile and says" let me guess two scoops of cookies and cream with chocolate goose on top for katie,and a little pistachio with a butter pecan scoop for Aurelia? "You know it Sammy don't ever change" Aurelia says making her way to the tables in front of the shop. I hear Sam cough loudly into his fist as he makes his way to the back . Me and Aurelia sit and start talking. "When do you think the boys will get here?" Aurelia says laughing quiety. Probably five-ish,six-ish minutes. As we hear Sam cough again Aurelia gives me a worried look. What? I'm kind of worried about Sam,you know he's getting to that age where you have more years behind then in front of you,I don't think he has just A cough. Yeah I say back quiet. We've known Sam from as early as 2 ,I couldn't imagine black ball without him,Sam's ice cream shop without Sam would be like peanut butter without jelly or hot sauce without lays . Aurelia look at me in confusion. Don't knock till you try I say pointing at her laughing . Sam calls us over to get the ice cream when we see the boys start parking. I see Josh and peter run up to us as we wave at them cockily. "How did you get here before us we ,were driving 10 miles over the speed limit " . We may have taken a little shortcut ,I say smiling mischievously. That is so cheating peter says in a dissapointed Tone crossing his arms . Oh stop wining you big baby let's go and get your mint and caramel . His frown than turns in to a smile as I ruffle his hair and grab his hand walking up to Sam. Thank you I say With a grin . "Now what will it be for your new friend here? " Sam say with a light smile ." New ?,Sammy it's me peter !" .Sam takes a step back in disbelief ,oh your not peter ,I know peter." ."Peter is this short and has long hair and a little belly and the bushiest eyebrows i ever seen " Sam says teasing . "Trust me Sam it's me " Peter says laughing ." If your peter...." Sam says tapping the counter with his fingers,"what's my favorite color ?" Sam then raises his eyebrow at peter waiting for his response. "Blue,because its the color of your wife madelines eyes ." . " really is you peter " Sam says still in shock . Sam looked like he was about to come to tears when he came around from the counter to come give peter a hug. Peter hugged him tightly as sam said "ive missed you pete i really missed you ,hows life?"."its been good,you know ive been getting my life together ,been getting a little in shape here and there.". Here and there is an understatement peter,I laugh. Peter joins me in the laugh before saying "what about you sammy how have you been .". Sam just sighs before saying "well ,you know Pete ive had better days . " . "What is it the shop?,it looks like it's been pretty good" Peter asks concerned. "No its not that pete trust me,but let's save depressing talk for later" he says smiling patting his shoulder. Sam quickly makes his way to the other side of the counter again and says "so now that I know your peter ,let me guess mint ice cream with caramel?" "You know it sam.". "16 years later and I still don't get this kid ,who in there right mind puts caramel on mint ice cream." . I couldn't tell you either Sam I say shrugging, I've been friends with this weirdo for more then a decade and there's still some things i can't rack my brain to understand about him but that's what I love about him,he's my weirdo I say smiling at peter. "Oy vey" Sam says with his hand on his head making his way to the back. I look back at peter catching him staring at me causing him to redirect his attention somewhere else and start blushing . I smile at him and bump his arm motioning him to sit at the table with Aurelia and Josh. What are you guys arguing about?, i say as I see Josh red in the face and Aures back turned to him." Ok katie and peter I need you to settle this for us because this woman is giving me a migrane,true or not true Falcons version of captin America is way better than Steve Roger's captain America?". "What are you crazy!" peter blurts out ,"you gotta go with the original recipe,I don't believe in the rebranding of original superheros for moral reasons,I gotta side with Aurelia on this one ". "Josh just looked at me pissed off and said" what about you Katie?". I'm sorry Josh but I gotta go with them on this one,Stan Lee would be very dissapointed in you, i say shaking my head ." You guys are crazy " . "Yeah right we're crazy" aure say mocking him . Well as much as I would like to argue with you on which one of Stan Lee's beautiful creations are better I have to cut our ice cream date short. "Aww why?" Josh mumbles with a hand on his face. "Because she met a really nice guy over the year and hes actually in the area !" Aurelia says with a smile. "Peter looks at me with a light smile and says you met a guy this year?,I'm happy for you . I could tell when something was bothering peter,he pretended to be happy when I knew there was something wrong or something making him uncomfortable. I slowly put my fingers in the gaps of his and held his hand tightly. He looked at me as I smiled at him . It's ok I'll be there . He smiled back at me flustered and nodded. I then let go and said I see you guys back at the house in a couple of hours ok. "Kay","Yep","sounds good". Love you guys I say blowing them a quick kiss . They all caught it in unison as I laughed and got in the driver's seat . I looked at them through the rear view mirror as I drove off and saw them getting further and further away . I focused on the road ahead of me with thoughts running through me head as reflections by the neighborhood blasted out of the radio. You would think I would be thinking stuff like,oh my gosh is this guy even gonna like me the same after he spends more time with me ,what if he's been secretly seeing someone else this whole time ,WHAT IF HES A SERIAL KILLER !!! . But no...the only person on my mind was peter,Me and peter were stuck together like glue and even though he knew how to stick up for himself he still had a fragile heart and I didn't want anyone to break it,especially not me,so I hated letting him down . I was praying to God that I made it back in time ,because I knew if I didn't peter would do that thing where he would be overly nice and say that he's fine when he knew he wasn't,and was actually feeling self conscious .

As I was on my last thoughts I was met with a tall blue and white stoned house with tall hedges wrapped around it . I drove through them and parked a little bit to the side. I walked out slowly taking in the beautiful house that almost looked like a castle . I then took a deep breath before ringing the door bell then pressing it causing it to make a loud angelic sound echoe around the surroundings of the house . I then hear footsteps and see the door knob twist . I then looked up to lock eyes with who opens the door. When I first took in what I saw I almost dropped my bag ,I looked her up and down before she just said grimly "you." .you,I reply back annoyed with my original energetic expression fading . Freaking Valarie.

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