The eyes met

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This episode is like a rollercoaster, so I hope you like it . 🙃

[ NIFT Mumbai ]

The room erupted into a thunderous applause , as Sara concluded her presentation,

Her classmates, professors, and industry experts alike praised her creativity.

Beaming with pride, Sara smiled humbly, her eyes shining with happiness.

"Sara! Your collection is stunning!" her professor exclaimed, patting her back.

Sara's classmates swarmed around her, congratulating her on her outstanding work.

"Your designs are so unique and captivating!" one of them gushed.

As the commotion died down, Shubman, who was seated in the back, rose from his chair, He made his way through the crowd, his presence commanding attention.

Their eyes met, and Shubman extended a handshake.

"Good afternoon, Miss Tendulkar. Nice to meet you. Your talent is undeniable,"

he said, his deep voice .

"I'm impressed at just 23 you have such great skills ." He continued.

Sara responded with a humble smile, her confidence boosted by the praise.

"Thank you, Mr. Gill. That means a lot coming from you."

Shubman shrugged, his expression modest.

"Please, Ms. Tendulkar, I'm just an ordinary businessman."

Sara's eyes sparkled with admiration.

"Mr. Gill, you're one of the most successful businessmen I've ever met. You are just 27 and your work in IT has revolutionized our technology for the better."

Shubman smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Thanks for the appreciation. Hope to see you again, Ms."

"Same here,"

Sara replied and with that, Shubman turned and left .

A week later ,
Shubman's house ,
Around 5 in the evening .

Sara stormed into Shubman's backyard, where he sat serenely sipping tea. 

“ SHUBMAN GILL " she said, her voice trembling with anger.

Shubman looked up, seemingly unfazed.

"Hey Sara, I expected you to come."

Sara's eyes blazed with fury.

"What do you think of yourself, sending a wedding proposal to my house without even asking me?"

Shubman remained silent, his expression unreadable.

Sara's anger boiled over, and she shouted,

"Say something, Mr. Gill !" Tears welled up in her eyes.

Shubman rose, looking slightly guilty, and took Sara's hands.

He guided her to sit before him, still holding her hands.

"I've done everything for the betterment of both of us," he said calmly.

Sara jerked her hands free.

"No, you've done this for yourself!"

Shubman's voice remained measured.

"Sara, I'm a businessman. Just give me 15 minutes to explain the benefits and drawbacks of this marriage for both of us."

Sara nodded, her anger slowly giving way to curiosity.

The Deal  ( An Arranged Marriage Tale Of ShubSara ) Where stories live. Discover now