Monday, 13:40

170 4 9

Weeks went by

Bakugou? | T

We haven't talked since I confessed to you. | T

Did I do something wrong? | T

You won't even look at me in class anymore | T

B | Whatever.


Whatever? What does that mean? | T

B | It means whatever! Leave me alone!

I don't understand. | T
Read 13:40

An hour goes by.

Bakugou, talk to me, please. | T

You cannot keep ignoring me. | T

I'm right here, talk to me.
Whatever it is I can handle it... | T

B | Can't you see I want you
to leave me alone? Are you dense!?

I just want to understand! | T

Make me understand... | T

B | Stop texting me.

Not until you tell me why
you've been avoiding me. | T

B | It's none of your business.

It is my business! You said... | T

You said you liked me. | T

And I said I liked you... | T

So why are you ignoring me now? | T
Read 14:50

Bakugou couldn't bring himself to respond.
He was afraid. Afraid to say what he was
really thinking. He felt weak.
Ever since Todoroki went into that coma
Bakugou felt like he lost a part of himself.
He scared himself so bad, almost losing something
he loved because of him.

A day goes by.

Bakugou. | T

B | Just leave it alone.

There was a long silence before he replied,

Did you even mean it? | T

B | What kind of question is that?

Did you fucking mean it? | T


Todoroki started to type, but before he finished, Bakugou cut him off.


B | Is that what you wanted to hear!?

Katsuki... | T

Why are you scared? | T

B | It's because of me you were
in that bed, with your life on the line.

B | You almost died because of me.

That wasn't your fault. | T

B | Yes it was! If I had just got over my
dumbass feelings and... weakness.

B | I could've stopped that from happening.

B | You wouldn't have felt the need to
go and train yourself that hard.

B | You lost control of your quirk, Shouto.

I don't blame you for that at all.. | T

Come over, we can talk about it. | T

B | No. I don't want to.

Please? | T

I know it's hard... but you have to
trust me, okay? I would never judge you
for your feelings. | T

B | Whatever. Stop getting sentimental.

Bakugou went over to Todoroki's dorm and they talked about what happened, Todoroki spent hours reassuring Bakugou about how he felt and their current situation. Bakugou eventually just gave in and agreed, a few tears were shed, but somehow... Bakugou didn't care, he felt safe with Todoroki.
For the first time in his life... he felt safe enough to be vulnerable with somebody.

They started dating but they're taking things slow.

They started dating but they're taking things slow

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(NOT MINE, creds to the artist. Just thought it was cute for this scene.)

IM REALLY SORRY for taking so long and the recent short chapters.
Thank you guys for reading this
I'm ending it now because I really have no more ideas.
And I also have another idea for a TodoBaku story.
This was fun to write though.
I tried to make this one a little longer :')

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