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Breezy Laid his head on Ava's shoulder falling asleep as they Been Sitting in church for 3 Hours

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Breezy Laid his head on Ava's shoulder falling asleep as they Been Sitting in church for 3 Hours.

"Get up" Ava Spoke lowly as she Stale faced him

Breezy ran his hand down her face "Sh"

Ava looked at Tory as Tory was falling asleep

She then looked infront of her, seeing a little boy just staring at her.

Ava huffed as the pastor made eye contact with her.

"Looks like we got the city Biggest saint.." The pastor looked at them

Ava looked around as breezy sat up.

"..." It got quiet as everybody looked at Breezy

Breezy furrowed his eyebrows "All yall can suck my-"

"Can suck the blood of Jesus!!!" Ava side eyed him

"AMEN SISTA" Ace put his hands up

"HALELUJAH GOD" Blicky got up

"Oh my gosh" Ava slid down in her seat as she put her hand over her face

"Brotha caught the holly spirit" Melly shook his head as blicky started shouting

Tory woke up.

"Let me anoint this man" The usher grabbed the anointing oil.

Blicky raised his eyebrow then looked at the usher.

The usher put the oil on her finger, Then made a cross on blicky forehead the pushed his head back wit her finger as she started praying

"oh my..." Blicky tried to push his head back up

"BLESS THIS YOUNG MAN" The usher pushed his head back Making ace and ava laugh

Blicky put his lip under his nose as if something stink.

"Release the demons out of him and The other young man" The usher said making blicky step back

"Ian got no demons cuh, Ho Is you elsa???" Blicky mugged

Ava mouth dropped as she held her laugh in.

"Yes you do, So does he" She pointed to breezy

Breezy stood Up and fixed his pants "aint you a stripper?"


"mmm" Breezy nodded

"Hold up, how you know she a stripper??" Ava looked at him

"Uh-" A couple of people said

"This church messy and like to take money, yall ass sent the collection plate around a good 13 times " Melly shook his head as he walked out


"You be lying to me?" Breezy looked at ava

"About?" Ava asked

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