Chapter 7: You're not one of us

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There was a noticeable change in the camp after Yusuf and Ezekiel's showdown. The tension between them had lessened, morphing into something different. A form of perverse rivalry or some demented dick-measuring contest. Instead of outright fights, they compete in nearly every camp activity. It was a bizarre twist—Yusuf, who had always avoided conflicts with Ezekiel, now was the instigator and the one pushing the pace in his duels with Ezekiel. Whether it was a simple relay race, a game of tug-of-war, or even who could gather the most firewood, Yusuf was relentless in besting Ezekiel in everything. 

Surprisingly, the change wasn't all bad. The competition, while intense, was also a welcome distraction. It kept Yusuf focused, gave him something to focus on besides his overflowing feeling for Dahlia, which at this point, have overflown to the point of bursting. Yusuf and Ezekiel didn't exchange many words, but the unspoken challenge between them is always clear. It seems that Ezekiel's fixation on dominating Yusuf has subsided into a more docile version.

Meanwhile, Yusuf and Dahlia had grown closer than ever. They always spent time together but now, if Yusuf wasn't competing with Ezekiel they were practically inseparable. Whether it was during camp activities or quiet moments by the lake, they found themselves naturally gravitating toward one another. Their bond had always been there, but now it was more visible to everyone around them. Dahlia's icy exterior had begun to melt ever so slightly. Whispers spread among the other kids, and some of them even began to tease Yusuf about how much time he spent with Dahlia. 

"Yusuf and Dahlia sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" The kids would always chant. "Yasahlia!"

But Yusuf didn't mind. In fact, he liked that people were noticing. It made their connection feel even more real, like something that's uniquely theirs. Of course Dahlia's expression never changed, she never cared, these taunts never even registered to her.

One afternoon, the camp counsellors organized a nature scavenger hunt. The goal was to find a list of items hidden throughout the forest, and everyone was paired up with a partner. Naturally, Yusuf ended up with Dahlia. This wasn't something he was interested in competing with Ezekiel in. They set off into the woods, the list in hand.

As they wandered through the trees, Yusuf couldn't help but notice how quiet Dahlia was, even more so than usual. She seemed deep in thought, her green eyes scanning the forest with that familiar intensity. They had spent so much time together over the years that Yusuf had come to recognize her different silences—this one felt contemplative, Dahlia's thought mode. He knew that she was trying to figure something out.

"Hey, what's on your mind?" Yusuf asked.

Dahlia glanced at him, her expression unreadable. "Just thinking."

Yusuf smiled. "You're always thinking."

She didn't respond, but the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, almost like she was holding back a smile. They continued walking, the sun filtering through the canopy above them, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The air was fresh, filled with the scent of pine and moss. 

When they reached the first item on the list—a small, brightly coloured mushroom—Dahlia uncharacteristically hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Yusuf asked, crouching down to get a better look at the mushroom.

Dahlia frowned slightly, studying the mushroom with a puzzled expression. "I've never seen one like this before."

Yusuf blinked in surprise. Dahlia, who always seemed to know everything, was stumped by a mushroom? He couldn't help it—a grin spread across his face. "Seriously? The all-knowing Dahlia doesn't know what kind of mushroom this is?"

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