Charlottes PoV:
Today was just another ordinary day at the nursery, except most of the kids are off today since there's quite a bad cold going around. There was only really one person needed in each room, and everyone else is just spare. I was spare this afternoon, so I was just sat in the staff room calling Mia as she said she was in her way over, when I heard a scream come from the baby room. I knew that Carly was in there, so I rushed down to see Winter.
C-Winter? I thought Carly was in here.
Ca-What do you mean it's me, I'm Carly.
C-No no no not again!
Ca-Oh god! Why did I have to be in Winters body?! I know what you and Marjorie had to deal with!
C-Oh erm just walk with your legs further apart, but other than that, there's nothing else I can suggest, it's pretty bad.
(Carly stands up and tries walking)
Ca-EWWWWW I HATE THIS SO MUCH! I might just go and sit in the staff room whilst you guys figure this out. All my kids just left.
C-Okay, good luck Carly.
(Charlotte walks down the hall when she sees Autumn)
C-Autumn what is going on?!
J-I don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds totes lush.
C-Jodie, you're not in your body!
J-What are you talking about?
C-You know what, never mind.
(Charlotte walks down to the office to try and see who everyone else is)
Sorry this is short, but I am currently packing to go on holiday, but that unfortunately means I won't be active until Sunday as I won't have any internet.