meow :P

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nicole is a 58 yr old woman, born november 9th, 1965!!!! she grew up in bollersdorf germany in a very religious family
she is the lead singer and founder of her band siebzehn nadeln!!! they've been together for a longggg time, but started actually publishing music by 1990 !!! i have a whole google doc on this that still needs 2 be finished lol

her full name is nicole emmeline herring,, yes i know middle names arent very common in germany but i think emmeline comes from a deceased relative

she has an older brother named frank,, he might be dead,, her parents are lina and fredrik
she also has an ex boyfriend. i mean she has a few but the most notable one would be felix ackermann, and he sucks hes an abuser. literally torture embodied as a person. YUCK.

her and till have so much fucking lore its insane,, ill likely make separate things on here detailing stuff when i get motivated to

her band is more like, industrial/metal i think?? they sound similar to rammstein but are like if rammstein and ethel cain and evanescence had a giant baby. oh and also nine inch nails

her band mates are- detlev reinhard schmidt (58 yrs, his birthday was in may, happy belated my green haired freak) // keyboardist || dirk augenstein (um i forgot how old he is actually! gonna say like ??? 57?? 56?? hes in his 50s ik that much) // bassist || karl fischer (uh.. 55 i think? his birthday is aug 29th oh god hes turning an age soon) // guitartist || jon wagner (53 yrs old iirc) // CURRENT drummer

felix used to play the drums in their band but then he got kicked out for being the worst ever


oh nicole MIGHT have two kids, a son and a daughter, i say might bc originally i was like YEAHHHH  LETS GIVE HER KIDS! BECAUSE TILL HAS LIKE. fucking. 9 of them or something
i also just thought it made sense but now that i realize she rlly wasnt a big part of their lives im just like. whats the point. theyre not even a huge lore point, they mostly exist just exist to show off her own personal growth and dynamics with others. not that it matters bc theyre adults now and wouldnt be spending much time with her regardless

THIS DOESNT MEAN SHE WAS/WOULD BE A BAD MOM she's a delight i swear, she likely used to babysit when she was younger!! she loves them she just.. isnt the greatest role model. she's not what they need/needed. she used to be a heavy drug addict and occasionally took breaks, but officially became sober in 2006 and is still sober, she has a huge fear of needles now bc of how much she used to shoot up. she is LUCKY to be alive and not have sustained much/any damage from her usage,,,

felix got her hooked btw :( gross...

anyway lets talk about till bc hes a SAINTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT MY GOD.

they first met at a lake/hiking trail they were staying at with some buddies (separately) in 1981 during the summer, he was 18 she was 16, they just waved at each other from across the lake then met the next day at this trail but didnt say anything rlly. then they didnt see each other until 97 where they actually interacted (i have a fic abt this and its from tills pov and hes so awkward bruh. i mean they both are but) 

then they officially stayed connected in 2001 where she became his roadie and then things went a little downhill from there but i can unpack that later!!

they started dating in 2013 but didnt tell anyone (publicly) until 2016, then they got married in 2019 :]

theyve also made some music together, and the female vocals in sonne are actually her because i fucking said so. i dont care about your goddamn opera samples its nicole now

also!! nicole is VERY mentally ill,,, she has BPD, anxiety, depression,, i think thats all but idk i have to double check later

her mbti is ENFJ-T and tills is INFJ-T !!! (at leasdt i think hes turbulent) (me and till have the same mbti yay)
nicole is a scorpio and till is a capricorn. both their mbtis and star signs and also their moon phases align perfectly so they have amazing compatibility. god i love them help help helpppppp

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