O5 ‒ Suspicion

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JISUNG immediately turned away, hiding behind a vase of flowers as Nari looked around the place

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JISUNG immediately turned away, hiding behind a vase of flowers as Nari looked around the place. His body tensed up again, trying his best to not look suspicious.

He was always calm when it came to work but, it was a bit hard when he had already met the target. Nari looked away and listened to the conversations.

"You should totally come with me to the fashion show! The designer wants to sell his most prized outfit to me!" Soyoung exclaimed to another woman.

"My father is investing in my company so, we'll be able to get that complex." Suitor 35 said, trying to get Nari's attention.

Everyone could tell that Nari was that single flower in a bouquet that outshined every other flower. Her face glowed as if she was her own light, brightly illuminating in the herd of other lights trying to shine.

Jisung could see that special spark in her. Her aura alone exuded confidence which drew him in.

Nari could feel the stare and she had an idea of who it was. 'Why is Jisung staring so intensely?' She thought, feeling a little nervous.

She could see his wide eyes, looking at her from behind the vase. She wanted to turn around, stare back at him and try to tell him to stop staring at her but she kept her composure.

Her ears rang from the incessant rambling of another suitor, trying to compete with the other man. She softly sighed, swirling the sparkling liquid in her wine glass.

She could feel her boredom linger through her and the only thing keeping her awake was Jisung's gaze that would land on her a few times. The boy kept pretending he was a waiter, walking around and handing drinks.

He looked at the people who surrounded Nari and with his eye-lense, he could find out their identities. "No one looks suspicious so far," He muttered.

"You look like you're itching to leave, cousin," Yongsun said, looking at Nari.

Nari glared at him, "Making your usual stop, I see."

"Whatever. You leaving now or what?" Yongsun asked, sitting on the arm of the sofa.

"Why do you care?" Nari retorted in a whisper.

Yongsun scoffed, "See? No one ever sees how hostile you are. Bye."

He walked off, not sparing another glance at his cousin and Nari rolled her eyes. She checked the time on her phone and decided it was time to get up.

Brushing off her dress, Nari bid her 'friend' goodbye and started to walk towards the exit. She could feel their prying eyes but she couldn't care less.

She felt tired and she was going to leave. Jisung caught onto Nari's movements and slowly followed her.

Nari's assistant followed her and as they exited the building, Jisung hid behind a few tall bushes. It was pitch black, and a few street lights were illuminating the area.

"Wait here Miss Kang, I'll bring the car over here." Her assistant said.

Nari nodded her head, waiting around but she could feel someone staring at her again. She guessed it was Jisung.

'Can he be any more obvious?' She thought, shaking her head in disappointment.

Jisung peered over the tall bush looking at Nari intently and realised that her assistant was taking too long. His eyebrows furrowed, deeply thinking about why she had to wait for so long.

Five minutes went by and Nari was still waiting.

She sighed, looking around to see if her assistant had returned at all but there was no one. Nari took her phone out, calling her assistant but he didn't answer.

Frowning, she thought about just calling Jisung out so she could at least get a ride back home but before she turned, a van pulled right in front of her. It was black with tinted windows and Nari immediately ran away.

She was instantly held back by a man who jumped out of the van, grabbing her hair which earned a yelp from her and Jisung hastily ran out, pointing his gun straight at the man.

Nari's eyes widened at the gun and Jisung glared at the man.

"Let her go." He said.

The man who had a bigger build with more muscles, looking rougher with tattoos and piercings chuckled. "You think you can shoot me, kid?"

Nari struggled to get out of the man's grip- she couldn't rely on a guy she had just met. She also didn't want to judge but she didn't know how experienced Jisung was at fighting.

Another man slowly emerged from the van but he let his co-worker handle the situation as he monitored the area, somehow unnoticed by both Nari and Jisung.

Nari stomped her heel onto the bigger man's foot and winced a little. With that little movement, she hit her head against the man's face and got out of his grip.

In that second, Jisung immediately shot the man in the head but the other man immediately ran to Nari snatching her back with a gun against her head. Nari stood in shock not because she was held at gunpoint but at Jisung's gaze.

There was not a single drop of regret in his eyes. He didn't flinch when he shot the man and his hands didn't tremble a bit.

'He resorted to shooting in the first second.' Nari thought, looking at Jisung cautiously. 'He's not an ordinary bodyguard... is he part of...?'

"Move one more step and the girl dies." The man said.

"Sorry but, I don't think my client would like that," Jisung said emotionless.

He stared at the man who tightened his grip on the gun and hesitantly hooked his finger onto the trigger. 'He's an amateur.' Jisung thought, planning how to save Nari.

"Shoot and the whole neighbourhood will hear you. You don't even have a silencer." Jisung said, his shoulders loosening with confidence.

Nari clenched her jaw, fed up with being in life-threatening situations. 'Thanks a lot, grandpa.' She grimaced internally.

Jisung took a step forward and seeing how the man hesitated, the slight delay let Jisung move the aim of the gun towards a tree behind the man. He twisted the man's arm in the process, the gun dropping to the ground.

The man screamed from the pain

Nari breathed heavily and without a second to spare, she ran but the man held onto the ribbon of her bow.

Nari breathed heavily and without a second to spare, she ran but the man held onto the ribbon of her bow

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