V. Longing

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The room's temperature dropped a few degrees as Haerin's anger grew. She had to find Hanni. Now. The thought of someone, especially that annoying Hufflepuff, trying to steal her property was unbearable. Haerin's grip tightened around her wand, hidden in the fold of her school robe. Her Slytherin attitude started to show, she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself before she stormed out.

Minji, still reeling from the potion's effect, stared at Hyein, her eyes filled with confusion. "What? What's going on?"

"You're under a love potion," Hyein whispered, her voice shaking. "Hanni gave it to you, and now you think you're in love with her."

Minji's eyes widened, her thoughts racing. "No, no, that can't be right," she murmured, trying to convince herself. But the warmth in her chest and the images of Hanni's smile swirling in her mind were too intense to be a mere trick.

With a determination fueled by anger and betrayal, Haerin left the room, her eyes scanning the corridors of Hogwarts. She knew Hanni wouldn't be far, probably lurking around, waiting for the potion to take full effect. The castle's walls seemed to whisper Hanni's name, guiding her like an invisible thread. Her footsteps echoed through the empty halls, the sound bouncing off the ancient stone and mixing with the distant hum of the school's life.

The scent of dust and old parchment grew stronger as she approached the library. Haerin knew Hanni had a habit of hiding there when she was up to no good. The heavy oak doors creaked open, revealing the vast chamber filled with towering bookshelves and a faint scent of magic. The soft glow of the candles danced on the dust particles in the air, casting eerie shadows that seemed to beckon her deeper into the room.

Her eyes narrowed, searching for any sign of the Hufflepuff. There was a rustling from one of the aisles, and Haerin's heart quickened. She stepped closer, the sound of her heels echoing in the silence. A figure emerged from between the books, and Haerin's hand shot out, grabbing Hanni by the collar of her robe. "You bitch!", she hissed, her voice loud and dangerous.

Hanni's eyes went wide with fear as she recognized the fury in Haerin's gaze. "Haerin?What-what did I do?" she stuttered, her cheeks flushing.

"You know exactly what you did," Haerin spat, her eyes like twin emerald flames. "You gave Minji a love potion. Why?"

Hanni's expression shifted from fear to surprise like she's been caught, "A-A love potion? Haerin, I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

But Haerin wasn't buying it. "Don't lie to me. I can see it in your eyes, Hufflepuff. You've always had a crush on her, haven't you?"

Hanni's eyes darted around the library, searching for an escape or an alley, but the room was empty except for the two of them. Haerin's grip on her collar tightened, pulling her closer. "You think you can just play with people's feelings like that? Like they're toys for you to manipulate?"

"I'm not playing with Minji, what's your problem Haerin? So what if I did it, what's your problem anyway?" Hanni tried to defend herself, her voice trembling.

The thought of her ex-girlfriend developing feelings for someone else, especially someone as irritating as Hanni, was like a punch to the gut. Haerin's anger boiled over, the veins in her neck bulging as she leaned in closer, her teeth clenched. "You're my problem, Hufflepuff. You always have been," she seethed. "Messing with potions, messing with Minji—My. Minji. You're going to regret this."

Hanni's eyebrows furrowed, her heart racing as Haerin's grip tightened. "What do you mean 'your Minji'?" she exclaimed, trying to push Haerin away. But the Slytherin's hold was like a vice, unyielding and cold.

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