Chapter 9: Chemotherapy

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Today was a big day in the Hendrix household, for it was Rachel's first chemo session with them. Usually, she would get it on Fridays, but with many of the brothers working during the week, and Rachel starting school, they moved it to the weekend. David had taken on the responsibility, being her oncologist and all. Julian was also gonna tag along, to help keep Rachel occupied.

The morning was still busy, as the brothers prepared for the long day ahead. Brian was busy in the kitchen making breakfast with the help of Phil. David was triple-checking that he had the appointment time right. Steven was helping Julian pack a bag of things to keep Rachel occupied. And Mark was heading upstairs to wake Rachel.

As Mark entered Rachel's room, he found her still fast asleep in her bed, snuggling with Kitty-Can-Do. He smiled as he walked over to her adorable sleeping form. He placed a hand on her shoulder, gently waking her up from her dreamscape. "Rachel, it's time to get up."

Rachel slowly opened her eyes, tiredly looking up at Mark. "Morning," she said, sleepy, slowly sitting up in bed.

"Good morning to you too." Mark greeted her as he walked over to her closet. He pulled the door open and began scanning for a comfortable outfit. He ended up picking her favorite cat shirt, along with a pair of purple leggings. He laid them on the bed for her to put on.

Rachel looked at the outfit before her, then at Mark with a sad expression. "Do I have to go?"

Mark crouched down so he was at eye level with Rachel. "I'm afraid so kiddo, but remember what Julain said, about his surprise?"

Rachel's eyes immediately lit up at the word. She had completely forgotten about Steven's surprise. Having suddenly lost the fear of her appointment, Rachel pushed off the blanket, grabbed her clothes, and rushed to the bathroom to get ready. Mark shook his head and laughed as Rachel ran out of the room. Boy did she confuse him, one minute she was terrified, and the next she was full of energy.

After a moment, Mark stood and made his way downstairs. He found David sitting at the fully set table, scanning through his phone as the smell of Phil and Brian's cooking filled the air. "Morning Mark," David said as he glanced up from his phone, raising a brow. "Where's Rachel?"

"Getting ready," he said, taking a seat at the opposite side of the table. He then turned to the kitchen, mouth almost watering from the aroma of food. "Smell's good guys, what are you making?"

"Bacon and eggs." Phil said as Brian added, "Along with some pancakes."

"Sounds like a full-hearted meal," Steve said as he and Julian entered the room.

"Just what I need for a full day ahead of us," Julian said as he came around next to David. "Were all packed, got her some coloring and sticker books, a box of crayons, her favorite puzzle, and some snacks." He sat the bag down and took a seat next to David. "along with her surprise, of course."

"Any chance you packed Doritos in that bag?" David questioned as he put his phone to the side.

Juline nodded with a smile "Got us each a bag."

David leaned back in his chair. "Good, 'cause I have a feeling this is gonna be a long day."

It was then that Rachel came skipping into the room, holding Kitty-Can-Do. "Morning," she said with a smile that surprised everyone as she hopped into the seat between Mark and Julian. She then turned to Julian with an excited expression. "Can you tell me what the surprise is, Please? Please! Please!"

Julian let out a light giggle as he patted her now bald head. "I can't do that Rachel, otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise."

"But I want to know." she pouted.

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