Chapter 11 Avis,Reminded

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"Hello?" I said again. The voices stopped abruptly, until a familiar one spoke up.
"We are in here Avis!"
I followed it and found several people in almost complete darkness. One was looking out through the bars, waving a single hand.
"We have been so worried about you!"
I raised an eyebrow at the girl.
"What do you mean, I don't even.."
"Remember? What did they do to you?"
She moved out of the darkness, her features becoming more clear. I scanned her up and down. Two cream colored rabbit ears bobbed on her head, accented by darker blonde hair, and glowing blue eyes.
She grinned widely.
I laughed at her reaction.
"Why are you all in here, who put you all in here?"
Before I could get an answer, somebody picked me up and lifted me out of her line of sight. I saw bright red hair.
"Deston put me down!"
He was surprised by my action, but did not hesitate. It seemed as though he clutched my body tighter.
"Deston please, put me down."
He carried me out to the hallway. I thrashed around but then felt weaker with every kick or punch. A thick yellow substance oozed out of his fingertips. It came in contact with my bare skin, causing my whole body to feel numb. Deston removed his hand. The substance infiltrated my veins, coursing through them, making everything absolutely useless. Like I was melting. I felt my eyes grow heavy and...
I fell asleep.
I carried her into Obsidian's office to deal with the situation. He simply called in Cellion as well.
"What is going on?"
Obsidian and I pointed to Avis, who was lying on the floor like a rag doll. He grimaced.
"What did she do?"
"She found the Extras, I put you in charge of her, and I expected more of an effort."
"Actually you told me to show her around, Obsidian. Do not try to pin this on me."
I furrowed my eyebrows. Who was Cellion to not take some blame for this?
"Just take it Cellion, and we can get past this."
"No. We are all responsible."
I rolled my eyes.
"Deston, please remove what venom you put inside her."
Obsidian ordered, and he rose from his usual seat. I complied. The yellow liquid followed my thoughts and disappeared, its effects completely nullified.
"Think of this as a punishment for the both of you."
Obsidian waltzed over to Avis, seating her in a chair, and placed both hands on her shoulders. He shook her slightly. She woke up, eyes wide with fear.
"Shh. Look into my eyes."
Avis turned away. He grabbed under her chin forcibly. Violet meeting with clear.
"I am going to make you truly forget who you were and once was, your memories will be sculpted into our image."
His violet eyes glowed and the once bright room turned as dark as the night. All I could see was that eerie glow.
"Now, you know us Avis, we are your best friends, we have been friends since childhood."
I cringed at the word 'best friends'. It was cliché but understandable for these circumstances.
"Not only are you our friend, but you are also a Lieutenant- one that is powerful and knows how to use her gift."
Obsidian's glow leaned in to where Avis was sitting. " are in love with me."
"Yes sir." She responded in a expressionless tone. I sensed Cellion's anger from over here. The darkness started to leave the room, and I saw several objects floating. My gaze settled on Obsidian. He snapped his fingers. Avis stood, completely free of the trance. She only smiled and addressed us.
"Hey guys, long time no see!"

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