Day 3

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I don't know what will happen to me if you were not texting me again.

Thanks god you didn't.(phew)

It just two days I didn't talk to you, and life was like gray color or white and black; without colors.

I want to show the world how much you're amazing and how you can make me happy and smiling^~^.

You always make me feel special.

I like it when call me by different nicknames:
My Angle, My sunshine, My darling, My Little Girl, My Little Baby Girl, buddy, Habibti, Ya Noori, My doll, My Bear, My wild cat, My beautiful girl, my cutie ..elc

I have been thinking about you all day, you have this power of making everything is brighter.

It seems that I will never get over the eagerness of the beginning with you. It seems that I will love you with this passion forever.

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