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Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides. – Lao Tzu

As Eleven and I stepped onto the porch from One's house I saw, who had to be, Two, Three, and Four, chasing each other down the street. They looked happy and free as a bird. They ran past Seven, Eight, Nine, and Ten and started laughing after one of them said something. I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Eleven walked towards the road and I followed close at his heel. He yelled for the three young boys to come back. As they made their way closer to us, I heard snickers and one boy say, "I wonder how he died."

Eleven gave them a stern look and then nodded at them. He introduced me to each boy.

Two had been 4 when he died. His death was from another car accident.

Three had been 6 when he died. Another drowning in the community pool.

Four had been 9 when he died. He died, yet again, from a car accident.

I shook each of their hands and introduced myself to them.

As soon as we were through with the introductions, they took off running again.

"They don't do much except run around with each other but, sometimes they enjoy a good prank so keep your eyes open." Eleven said as he turned to look at me.

We spent the rest of the day walking back and forth on the road. I was pretty sure Eleven hated the thought of returning to his house as much as I did.

When the light was dim, we said our goodbyes and parted ways.

Sleep hit me hard again that night. The biggest difference was that I dreamt.

I hadn't dreamt much in the 6 months before my death which could have been why the dreams were so hyper realistic. It also could have been from being in the afterlife. I wasn't sure.

I stood at the front door to apartment 2b. I had daisies in my hand to give to her. Her. The love of my life, Rachel. We were going to be married within the year but tonight was special. It was our 3-year anniversary.

We had known each other longer than that. We met back in college and dated throughout that time. We parted ways when she left for a better job opportunity after graduation. When she had returned to our city after 6 years, I leapt at the chance for a date with her.

I had dated other women in between my time with her but nothing compared to the way she made me feel. I planned on making her the happiest woman alive for the rest of our lives.

I walked through the door without knocking. We never knocked and I didn't think it made sense to start now. I was going to surprise her. I had left a work trip early to come back and celebrate our special day together. She had texted me through most of the day and had mentioned how much she wished we could spend the day together.

I didn't see her as I walked into her apartment. I smelled her normal coconut and vanilla scent that seemed to follow her and radiated around her apartment. I was checking the bathroom when I first heard the noise. A giggle coming from the bedroom. She must be playing a game with me, I thought.

I thought wrong. As I walked across the hall and peeked into her room, I saw her entangled with another man on her bed. I gasped and the flowers fell from my hands. My heart beat harder, and my throat felt as if it were closing. I saw as she pushed the man off her and draped her naked body with the sheet before running towards me. I was frozen.

Until her hand touched my arm. Sparks of anger flew through me and before I pushed my limits I turned away. I walked to the door as she grabbed my hand to try to keep me there. I turned to her and ripped her arm from me before telling her the wedding was off and that I didn't want to see her again.

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