chapter 1

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Waking up everyday was torture for Andrew, he'd get bullied every single day in any way possible, and at this point he's starting to get tired of it..

Going back in time a few weeks earlier 

Andrew was walking around in the hall trying to avoid seeing Ethan, Lola and Mark, afraid of what they would do when they spot him. Andrew was a lonely and quiet guy, he had a few friends but they've never really talked much  with each other or hang out with each other like they used to, all because of the rumors and fake proof that his bullies spread around the school. He never understood the reason for any of this, did he deserve it? Definitely not. As Andrew was occupied talking to himself mentally he suddenly tripped and grunted slightly in pain as he looked up, his eyes widening in fear and terror as he saw Lola and Ethan standing right in front of him, guessing that they'd probably have something to do with this.

He wanted to stand up and just flee the scene, but for some reason he just couldn't do anything, he couldn't move or speak as he was staring at the floor while they were saying something, and that seemed to have irritated them..

Lola:hey?! Are you fucking stupid or what? Ignoring us WONT help you at all.

Lola said in an irritated voice as she crossed her arms and looked down at Andrew, expecting him to make eye contact, and he made a mistake by not doing so even though Lola didn't say anything about making eye contact. She was pissed as Ethan glared at her in confusion and slight concern as he chuckled. But he quickly stopped as Lola stepped on Andrew's head with force, making him hit his head on the floor and causing him to get nauseous. Ethan covered his mouth but then, burst out laughing as tears fell down his face, Lola glared at him for a few seconds before also laughing, and so was mark. Everybody else was just staring at them, but nobody did anything to help, nobody even informed a teacher.

Andrew just stayed there trembling ever so slightly as he didn't dare to move until they left, but he knew it wouldn't be that easy for them to leave, he wanted to burst out crying as he could feel the tears forming in his eyes. Mark forcefully grabbed Andrew by his hair as he lifted his head up and crouched down next to him still slightly laughing as he started making fun of Andrew for being so sensitive, Lola and Ethan however, being the annoying jerks they are, just kept laughing at Andrew as if they were in a gacha meme

Mark:bro.. she didn't even stomp you that hard, are you seriously crying because of a girl? That's embarrassing.

Mark said with a mocking tone while grinning at Andrew, and after he finished his sentence, he started slamming Andrew's head against the floor a few times before he started bleeding, Andrew was starting to sob as he was trembling from every hit to the floor, tears falling down his face, feeling more nauseous by the second as he wanted it to stop already, he eventually passed out, and the noises of the laughing, and the chatter between the 3 all started fading away as he then woke up in the nurses office with a bandage on his head as he quickly touched the top of his head to see if it was still bleeding. He was breathing heavily as he slightly calmed down now that he's gotten away from those 3. Andrew laid down for a few more seconds before deciding to get up and head to his class not wanting to miss anything and have to ask somebody from the class, he was both nervous and scared, not knowing how the rest of his day would go.

Andrew hesitated to go in but did afterwards, nobody really said anything as he just sat down, he could still hear the giggling and mocking from the trio as they sat a few tables away from him, he could hardly focus as he wanted to cry every second as class went on, he didn't want to cry in front of everyone as he would obviously humiliate himself if he were to do that. After what felt like hours, class finally ended and it was now lunchtime, Andrew felt a sign of relief as he quickly packed up his things and got out of the classroom checking behind him to make sure the trio weren't follow him, he ran into the boys bathroom as he entered one of the stalls and locked it, sighing as tears started falling from his eyes, he sobbed uncontrollably but quietly as he sat down on the toilet seat cover, wondering what he did to deserve any of this, he couldn't endure anymore torture from them, but at the same time.. there wasn't nothing he could do, nobody would wanna side with someone as pathetic as him, he's on his own, even since the start.

Andrew can't recall how long he's been crying for but he unlocked the door slowly as he headed over to the bathroom sinks and washed his hands and his face, his eyes were sore and slightly red from crying as he took a deep breath in and started heading outside the bathroom. As he stepped out, he was expecting to see at least one of the trio but he was relieved that they weren't searching for him, he said went inside the cafeteria and sat down at a nearby empty table as he didn't feel like, eating, he kept feeling anxious about how everyone else was chatting together while he was just, alone and sitting at an empty table, he was scared of how everyone would think of him, his thoughts becoming louder by the second as he could feel himself trembling as he slowly placed his hands on the table, he was then interrupted by a familiar voice as he slowly turned his head slightly to the left.  

Lola:hey Andrew uh.. Lola started speaking as she sounded slightly irritated and annoyed im sorry for what we did this morning, and for everything else this year, for yk.. ruining your life I guess, we wanna talk it out maybe? Just meet us in the gym afterschool k? 

Andrew hesitated at first as he wasn't sure if they were being sincere or not, still, he wanted to give them a second chance, maybe they just, finally realized that everything they were doing was wrong and that they wanna ask for his forgiveness, and maybe Andrew will finally be able to live in peace. He had a bad feeling about it but he still agreed, who knows what will happen.

End of chapter 1

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