A "normal" morning

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The Vortex Crew are hanging out at their shared penthouse (yes they live with each other)



The sun streams through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the spacious penthouse. Lemonfluff and Mintysweet are lounging on the plush couch. Mintysweet sips coffee, while Lemonfluff enjoys a cup of herbal tea. WM Steve is flipping through a magazine at the dining table, and Flameny and Willybottle are playing video games on the TV.

Lemonfluff looks up facing the others. Yawning, she then said "Morning, everyone. Did anyone else hear that weird noise last night, or was it just me?"

WM Steve, Looking up from the magazine replies, "You mean the ghost of Willybottle's empty soda cans rolling across the kitchen floor?"

Willybottle, sounding slightly irritated, but had a grin on his mouth retorts, "Hey! Those cans have character. Plus, they’re good for practicing my bowling skills.

Mintysweet, laughing as she remarks sarcastically, "If by “bowling skills” you mean accidentally knocking over the vase last week, then yes, you’re improving." Lemonfluff looks over at Mintysweet, then Willybottle and gives him an akward thumbs up, smiling lightly

Upon hearing this ridiculous conversation, Flameny focused on the game while saying, "Maybe we should form a cleaning schedule before the cans start organizing a revolution."

Everyone chuckles. Lemonfluff playfully nudges Mintysweet followed by a sigh, saying, "I still can’t believe we all ended up living together. It’s like a reality show without the drama.

WM Steve then sarcastically replies, "Give it time. Once Willybottle runs out of snacks, we might have our first crisis."

Willybottle, actually taking the statement seriously, horror etched upon his face muttering, "Don’t even joke about that, man. The snack stash is sacred."

Flameny and Willybottle's game has come to an end as Flameny won, he exclaimed, "Victory! That's one more win for me. You owe me a soda, Willybottle."

Teasingly, Mintysweet then said to the two of them, "Make sure to put the empty can in the recycling. We don't need any more ghostly visits."

Willybottle dramatically tosses a pillow at Flameny, who dodges it with a laugh.

As Lemonfluff watches the interaction between the two, her stomach grumbles slightly, craving to eat something delicious before asking, "Alrighty, who's in for breakfast? We can whip up something before the day officially starts."

Flameny said jokingly, "I’m down, as long as Willybottle promises not to turn the kitchen into a science experiment again."

Willybottle puts his hands up in surrender, defensively stating, "It was one time! And that smoothie was supposed to bubble."

WM Steve, also feeling the sudden hunger, stands up and heads to the kitchen while saying, "Let’s get cooking, then. I’ll take charge of the pancakes."

Everyone gets up and heads to the kitchen. WM Steve starts mixing the pancake batter, but accidentally turns the mixer on too high, causing the batter to splatter everywhere.

Lemonfluff laughs at WM Steve's hair, which was covered in pancake mix, then said, "Well, I guess we're having pancakes with a side of kitchen chaos."

Mintysweet, being one of the closest to the mixer besides WM Steve got batter all over her face, wiping some of the batter off her, she then wondered out loud, "Who knew making breakfast could double as a workout?"

Flameny grabs a spatula, trying to use the leftover batter to make a few pancakes, saying for he was both concerned and finding humor, "Quick, someone grab a mop before the floor turns into a skating rink."

Willybottle, grinning as he dramatically exclaimed, "This isn’t cooking; it’s art in motion!"

They all burst into laughter as they clean up the mess, enjoying the camaraderie and humor of the moment.

Lemonfluff grins for awhile, then sighs , "Maybe next time, we should just stick to cereal. Oh and by the way, I'm still hungry, all I had was tea earlier."

The five of them continue to joke and chat as they work together, making the best of the pancake disaster.

A Questionable Quintet: The Vortex Crew's one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now