Chapter One The Flashback

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I feel the dark, cold air against my rough skin as I run away from home. The country is out to get me. I keep telling them I was framed but they won't listen. It was my older brother, Paul. He has always been jealous of the fact that I get all the attention since I'm the youngest child of our family. Oh did I forget to mention my dad is the president. That only makes matters worse. Hi, my name is Tyson and I'm 13 years old. Since all the attention is on me my brother can do whatever and get away with it. What I was framed for was really really bad. I don't know how they got evidence that I didn't but they did. Paul hates that he is the forgotten child, now he has done something about it. Paul is 18 years old and he has his own car and helicopter and he can now drive them alone. Which makes it harder for me to stop him from blaming me for his stunts. Just last week he and a bunch of his friends were riding in his corvette and they were drunk and drove right into a pole that was off the road and on the sidewalk. Don't ask me how but he got my DNA on a wrench and claimed that I loosened the brake on his sweet ride. After the police arrive they weren't drunk and more so the wrench was the only evident. Sure enough I was blame but mom and dad were more made at Paul for crashing the car than for what I was accused for doing. My mom says the reason it seems I get special treatment is because I'm younger and I need more help to understand my life. I understand it perfectly so it is just a nice way of saying I'm her favorite and Paul isn't. The big thing that Paul got me blamed for is so bad that the government couldn't keep it a secret from the country. The second I found out about it I packed my stuff and was out of the house as soon as possible. My goal is to get out of the country. I have a loaded bank account and I withdrew all the money before the problem went public. I just bought a car and made a license that says I'm 17 years old so I can drive. I have been practicing a lot because when your the president's son a lot of things become easy to do in public, but not anymore. I can't buy food and drinks in big cities anymore because of my idiot brother. he doesn't now what he's messing with if he finally gets caught like he should he will be in so much trouble. He will pay. I will make sure of it, no matter what it takes. He will feel the pain he made me feel. That jerk needs to be stopped, and soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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