Holding Back The Tears

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, heck! I ringed so loud I wanted to terminate it. I turned it off, then went to the bathroom to shower.

"This is fucking hot!" I exclaimed, I reached for the switch of the shower to make it warm. "Ahh, feels good." I added.

Two minutes later, I was done showering, I took a pair of pants, a green t-shirt and opened the door.

'This is gonna be another day.', I thought. I went down the stairs and saw dad preparing breakfast for me and my little sister, Lily. I could see she was showered and sitting at the table,

Well, I might tell you a little bit about myself, my name is Jimmy. Jimmy Callahan. I'm 16 years old and I live in Ohio with my dad, and my mom died in the tragedy that happened in September 11, 2001. My hair is colored dark gold and my eyes are brown. My little sister is named, Lily, I guess you've heard already. She's 13 years old, and boy, she can play the violin very well. Her hair black, since she got it from mom. Her eyes are brown. Same as dad and me. I didn't have much friends, but I had two. Their names we're David and Allain. Best friends ever. My favorite bands we're All Time Low, DragonForce, Blink-182, Red Hot Chili Peppers and mostly, Green Day. People say I look pretty much like Billie Joe Armstrong, the lead singer, but it wasn't possible.

"Morning dad!" I said.

"Morning Jimmy!" I hugged him and he started to make breakfast for us.

"Morning dad." I replied after I hugged him.

"Psst, big bro!" Lily whispered to me.

"Sup sis?" I said, looking cool.

"Can you help me with one question on my assignment?" she asked me.

"Oh sure, what is it?" I asked.

"Fill in the blanks, number 5. It says; As you walk down a dark road the last thing you'll expect is... A. Light. B. Water. C. A Wall." she said.

"A Wall? Seriously? Hahaha... It's A. Light." I chuckled.

"Thanks!" she said.

"Glad I could help." I smiled.

'Weird question.' I said to myself.

"Breakfast is served." he said.

"Aw yeah! Pancakes!" I exclaimed in joy. Pancakes was my favorite thing to eat for breakfast, than other stuff.

Minutes later, we finished eating, bid goodbyes to dad and walked to school, it wasn't really far 'cause school was just one block away. We arrived just in time before school had start.

I met up with David, saying that my other best friend Allain had the flu and had to stay home for a freaking week. "That's cool, I hope he will feel better soon." I said.

Our first class today was fucking Math, oh God I HATE MATH! But I need to survive another day or even a fucking week to get to Saturday and goof around with dad 'till Monday. That's usually our schedule on the weekends, we goof around at home, go to the mall, and some times he would pull us to a sweet vacation for 2 days only. But it's totally worth it anyways.


Days have passed, it was finally Friday and I was super exicted for tomorrow. School had ended for the school week and Allain was here finally for Friday, we we're suppose to prank classmates but eventually we didn't. Allain didn't wanna 'cause he still feels kinda sick.

We walked through the corridors and we reached the door but then the principal called my name and Lily's name.

'Was I in trouble? Or Lily was...' I wondered. My two friends followed me and there sat Lily crying. And there also stood a police officer.

"What happened?" I asked Ms. Joana, our school principal.

"Your father, Jimmy, Mr. Callahan..." she said to me.

"Yes?" my heart was racing, I wonder what was the news?

"Your father... Your father died in a car crash, thanks to a drunk driver." she said.

"No... You're joking! It ain't true!" I furiously said. I was holding back my tears.

"We are not kid, I'm sorry." the police officer said. Patting my back.

"So, a man goes by the surname, 'Armstrong' had saw the news felt pity on you and Lily, so he called the school and adopted you." Ms. Joana told me.

"A-Armstrong?" I said. It can't be... Billie Joe Armstrong? Nah, it could be another Armstrong, is there?

"Yes kid, Armstrong, you and your sister be traveling to Oakland tomorrow, we will pick you both up at 11 AM. When you guys reach Oakland, you both will see a guy with a sign that reads Armstrong. Okay?" the officer said to me and Lily.

"So that means..." David said.

"I'll never see you again." I said to David and Allain.

"Well, this is our final farewell." Allain said.

"Yes. This is." I grabbed Lily. "Bye guys." I added.

"Farewell friend. Call us soon!" they both said.

"Wait..." Lily said. She came running to David kissing him on the lips.

"I've always had a crush on you." Lily said. "Bye!" She came running towards me.

I could see David shocked, and, red cheeked, I've never seen him blush like this in my entire life! Allain was shocked too. And hold back the laughing, 'cause he never saw David like this.

"Nice." I laughed to Lily. "As soon as we reached home, we better pack our stuff and go on through the night." I added.

"Okay, but Jimmy..." she said.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" she asked me.

"Sure, nothing for my little sister." I smiled.

We arrived then-to-be-not-home at 8 PM 'cause we have to eat dinner outside because Lily was already hungru and good thing I had money to pay for it.

Our sleep was un-fucking-comfortable. We couldn't get dad out of our minds. We'll miss him, but Lily got more sleep than me, I was thinking, who was this Armstrong guy? Could it by Billie Joe Armstrong? Nah. It wasn't even fucking possible.

Then at 3 AM, I drifted off to sleep...


"Wake up! It's fucking 10 AM!" my sister said.

"It's 10 already? Fuck." I said, with one eye open. I got off bed and started taking a shower. I cooked eggs for her and me and I could see it was 10:55 AM on the clock.

"Everything packed?" I asked Lily.

"Yes." Lily smiled.

We waited for 5 minutes for the police men to arrive. We said our final goodbyes to our house and the officers arrived to get us.

"There they are!" an officer said. "I'm police Henry, and he's Thompson." officer Henry added.

"I'll pick up your stuff." Thompson said.

We got in the police car and we drove off to the airport.

"Goodbye!" Henry and Thompson said, they gave us tickets to a flight. We bid them goodbye too.

Henry and Thompson had bought tickets for us, man, they we're really kind. We got to the plane and take a last look at our hometown. Ohio.

"Goodbye Ohio..." me and Lily said and glanced of what we call now our ex-home.


Author's Note:

Long chapter, eh? Lol, this is my first story around here so, expect more chapters and stories to come!

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