Hamilton Characters

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Aries - Definitely Alexander Hamilton. Aries are determined, passionate, and strong-willed with their mind headset on their own opinions. They will speak their mind whether you wish for it or not. They go for what they want without hesitation, which can lead to some conflict, exactly what Alexander did.

Taurus - George Washington. Calm, analytical, and simple, Taurus are stubborn but always ready to chill. They don't take insults to heart because they know who THEY are and will always defend themselves in the best way possible, even if that means letting their actions speak for themselves.

Gemini - Thomas Jefferson. Charismatic, easy-going, funny, Gemini are silly but will attack when provoked. They keep their opinions loud and proud, making sure everyone knows about them, which can get them into quite a lot of controversy. They care about the people they hold close and will die to protect them.

Cancer - John Laurens. Loyal, passionate, and loving, Cancers are depicted as over-emotional crybabies, but that's not true. They just really care about the things they hold close to their heart (sometimes a little too much). They will endlessly support those around them and will die for them. They want fairness and peace for everyone which isn't a bad thing but can sometimes make them seem delusional.

Leo - Eliza Hamilton. Similar to Cancers, Leos get stereotyped as ego-tisitc, overly obsessed with their appearance, and flirty, which can be true in some cases, but Leos are also compassionate people. They hold their ideas and morals close and are always willing to share them. Leos love attention, which isn't always a bad thing. They thrive off compliments and are creative. Loving and respectful, they will listen to your problems (might not give the best advice though!)

Virgo - James Madison. Quiet, smart, observant, and usually on the sidelines, Virgo's watch from a distance the chaos pursues. Responsibility is a huge trait for them, so they get their job done. Not very emotional, independent, and their friend group is small, but they're great listeners and definitely know where they stand. 

Libra - Aaron Burr. Keeping their opinions reserved, Libras are known as people of peace (even though, sometimes, that's not the case). Most Libras try to avoid conflict, they try to be logical about their decisions while sometimes hypocritical and letting their heart lead instead of their head. They try to be friendly with everyone around them, not having time to joke around. Patient, Libras try to keep a level-head about situations.

Scorpio - Maria Reynolds. Introverted, Scorpios have a bad reputation for being "evil" when in reality, they just like to keep things to themselves. They don't have a lot of friends and are mostly seen inside their mind or achieving their goals. They have a soft side, specifically reserved for those who deserve it. Silently opinionated, they also try and avoid drama.

Sagittarius - Hercules Mulligan. Exciting, loud, and a prankster, Sagittarius are fire signs with a lot of personality. Their spark of adventure and joy brings a lot of people towards their hearts. Loyal friends, good listeners, and reassuring, Sagittarius makes sure that people know that they love them. Sharing ideas makes Sagittarius feel seen and heard as well.

Capricorn - Lafayette/Angelica, strong willed, similar to Fire Signs, Capricorns know what they want in life, and are determined to achieve it. They are the farthest things from pushovers and make sure that their standards and beliefs are well-known.

Aquarius - Peggy. Constantly overlooked, Aquarius are reserved people. They know what they're supposed to do and sometimes do it. Other times, they go for what they want, and that's never a bad thing. Supportive, loyal, and intelligent are a few words to describe them.

Pisces - Philip Hamilton. Absolute sweethearts. Pisces treat others the way they wish to be treated, full of imagination and compassion, Pisces lights up the world of anyone around them. Loyal to the end and has a secret bite, Pisces will never hesitate to defend the ones they love.

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