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Well... now Yunjin knows she is socially inept.

Yunjin sat in her room, staring at her phone screen in horror. Her cheeks burned bright red, matching the color of her bedspread. She had just made a catastrophic mistake, one that would surely haunt her for the rest of her days.

"Kazuha, Sakura, please help," Yunjin typed frantically in the group chat, her fingers trembling with embarrassment. "Call. Now."

"What's wrong, Yunjin?" Kazuha's voice crackled through the phone speaker, laced with concern.

"I... I messed up, big time," Yunjin stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"What happened?" Sakura chimed in, curiosity piqued.

"I... I thought Instagram's q&as were anonymous," Yunjin confessed, her embarrassment palpable even through the call.

Kazuha and Sakura exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of where this was going.

"And?" Kazuha prompted.

"And... I may or may not have asked Chaewon if I could suck her right boobie and jiggle the left one," Yunjin blurted out, the words tumbling from her mouth like stones in a landslide.

Silence fell over the group call for a moment, broken only by the sound of stifled laughter.

"Oh my god, Yunjin, you didn't!" Kazuha exclaimed, her voice tinged with amusement.

"Wait, did she... did she respond?" Sakura gasped between fits of laughter.

Yunjin nodded slowly, her face still burning with embarrassment. "Yeah... she did. With a story. Full caps. 'THE QUESTIONS ARE NOT ANONYMOUS!!!!!'"

Kazuha and Sakura erupted into laughter, their giggles echoing through the phone line.

Yunjin's heart sank as she listened to Kazuha and Sakura dissolve into laughter on the other end of the line.

"Come on, Yunjin, you've outdone yourself this time!" Kazuha chuckled, her amusement practically tangible through the phone.

"I know, I know," Yunjin groaned, burying her face in her hands. "I'm a disaster. I want to die."

"It's not that bad, Yunjin," Sakura chimed in, her voice a calming presence amidst the chaos. "Chaewon's cool. She'll probably just laugh it off."

Yunjin sighed, her embarrassment still weighing heavily on her. "But now I've ruined any chance of ever flirting with her," she lamented.

"Hey, look on the bright side," Kazuha interjected, her tone teasing. "At least now she knows you're interested in her!"

Yunjin couldn't help but laugh at Kazuha's attempt to lighten the mood. "Yeah, thanks for the reminder," she replied dryly, though a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"Seriously, Yunjin, don't stress about it too much," Sakura reassured her. "Chaewon's chill. She won't hold it against you."

Yunjin nodded, feeling slightly reassured by Sakura's words. "Yeah, you're probably right," she conceded. "Thanks, guys. I guess I'll just have to embrace my newfound status as the resident weird gay girl."

Kazuha and Sakura laughed, the sound echoing through the phone and filling Yunjin's room with warmth.

As Yunjin dismounted from Kazuha's motorcycle in the bustling university parking lot, she couldn't believe her luck when she spotted the Kim Chaewon waiting nearby. "Is this real life or just another fever dream?" Yunjin mused to herself as she approached the duo.

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