Get away with/from Sylus

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The sweltering heat of the day pressed down on me, the kind that made my skin sticky and my head fuzzy. I’d been feeling off for a while now, my thoughts clouded by the weight of my recent mission. It wasn’t like me to feel so down, but there was something about the way things had gone that just left me unsettled. I felt like I was losing my mind, the monotony of my daily life blending into the never-ending chaos that I’d been trying to escape.

I had finally managed to secure a few days off, a small victory in the grand scheme of things. The idea of taking it easy, maybe even playing in the water to cool down, was tempting. The thought of sinking into the refreshing coolness of a pool or the sea made my body ache with longing. It was the perfect escape from the heat, both the literal and figurative.

As I walked home, I let my mind drift, picturing myself floating in water, the world around me fading into a blissful blur. That’s when I saw him—Sylus, leaning casually against his motorbike, his presence impossible to ignore.

"Hey there, sweetie," he called out, his voice smooth and playful. "You sure love making me wait."

He handed me a helmet, his expression unreadable but with that familiar smirk that always made me wary. Sylus’s sudden appearance always put me on edge, not because I was afraid of him, but because I never knew what he wanted.

"Why are you here, Sy—" I started, catching myself just in time. The last thing I needed was to accidentally spill his name in public, where anyone might overhear.

"Up for a ride?" he asked, his voice softer now, almost coaxing. His red eyes studied me closely, waiting for my answer.

I hesitated, searching his face for clues. Sylus was unpredictable, but he’d never given me a reason to distrust him completely. Besides, a ride sounded like a decent distraction from the oppressive heat and my own spiraling thoughts.

"You know what? Why not?" I said, a hint of a smile tugging at my lips.

"That’s the spirit," Sylus replied, his grin widening as he handed me the helmet.

I put it on and climbed onto the bike behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I knew he was going to speed, and I wasn’t about to take any chances. "So, where are you taking me?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Guess," he replied, revving the engine.

I groaned, knowing full well that he wouldn’t tell me. Sylus loved his little games, always keeping me on my toes. As the bike roared to life and we sped down the road, I tightened my grip on him, the wind whipping against my skin.

"Come on, Sylus! Why do you have to go so fast? The police might catch us!" I shouted over the roar of the wind.

"Don’t worry about that, kitten," he said, his voice calm and confident. "I’ve never exceeded the speed limit."

"Yeah, probably because the N901 zone has no speed limit," I muttered under my breath, though I knew he could hear me.

He laughed, the sound carrying over the rush of the wind as we zipped through the streets and into a more remote area. It didn’t take long for me to realize where we were heading—another one of his hideouts, no doubt. Sylus had a knack for finding the most secluded places, always a step ahead of everyone else.

We eventually arrived at a big open field, stopping near his private plane. I slid off the bike and pulled off the helmet, eyeing him suspiciously as he dismounted, looking far too pleased with himself.

"Why are we here, Sylus?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

He flashed me a grin. "We’re going to Nuke, a resort," he said, his voice dripping with pride.

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