Where the Lost People Go

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A/N: So this was for a school competition where the word count had to be around 250 words. I've editited it a bit, but it's still pretty short. It might not make a whole lot of sense because my aim for such a short story was to make it a bit mysterious and makes you guess with small clues... I dunno. Well, enjoy!
Edit: I did win the competition with this story :)

That's the first word that comes to mind.
I can barely get my mind to register what they mean.
I'm trapped. Claustrophobic...?
Everything is fuzzy. I can't remember anything.
I open my eyes. I'm in... A box. When I try to reach to the side, I hit a wall.
"Where am I?" I ask to the walls, my voice dry and scratchy. I look around wildly, until my eyes land on a familiar figure.
"Leo...?" I ask. He comes closer to me.
"Where are we?"
"Try to remember." Suddenly, everything comes rushing back.
The accident. Screams. Body bags. Beeping machines.
"You're dead."
"I am."
"How...? Are we in a box?" He laughs again.
"I suppose so... A metaphorical box."
"I'm not real. You're where... Lost people go. Not lost like a coma. Not dead." I hesitate.
"I guess."
"So how do I leave?"
"The opposite of sadness."
"But if I leave... You leave." Leo sighs.
"You have to leave all your loved ones eventually." Suddenly, his voice is drowned out. A sensation much like drowning washes over me, until...

I'm in my room, head on a messy desk. But I feel... Almost refreshed. Even though I look like a mess. I go over the positives in my life. I get dressed, and even do my hair, though it takes ages. Then, I grab my school bag. When I go downstairs, my aunt is shocked.
"I'm going to school."
"You look like your old self." She says happily.
For too long, I wasted time. But now it's time to come out of the box. Because you have to let go. No matter how painful it is. Leo would want this for me.
With that, I head out the door, ready for a day of studying.

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