This is about FFNF Richelieu, first of Richelieu Battleship Class on her life with her ship girl friends and Commandant on her beloved homeland country, Iris Libre (Free French) (France🇫🇷).
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Mmmm.......... c'est si agréableet rare quand on sebaigneensemblecommeçapuisquenoussommestoujoursoccupés........... Jesuis si heureusequand on passeenfinunmomentintimeensembleen ce moment......❤ Commandant, tu es si beauetmusclé *je me suissentieenlacée par lecorpsmuscléetfort du Commandant* Je me suissentieensécurité quand j'étais avec toi *sourit doucement enblottissantlecorps du Commandantendouceur*
(Mmmm.......... it's so nice and rare when we're bathing together like this since we're always being busy........... I'm so happy when we're finally having intimate time together right now......❤ Commandant, you're so handsome and muscular *felt being hugged by strong muscular Commandant's body* I felt safe when being with you *smiles sweetly as snuggling Commandant's body smoothly*)