Arc 3. 14

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During the time that the two of them had not been able to work things out, Li Chang Bo had spent most of his time in the Emperor's Chamber. Partly because it had become more his room than his original one, and partly because he was still hoping and waiting for Feng Yu Han to return. Since their fight, he had been sleeping in the small room attached to his study. This worried Li Chang Bo. He even suggested that he go back to his room and let Feng Yu Han sleep in his chambers, but the look Feng Yu Han gave him still creeps him out.

Deep in thought, Li Chang Bo did not notice 0124 flying around his head.

[What are you thinking about so seriously?]

His expression changed from time to time. Sometimes it was pensive, then happy as if he had discovered the solution to something, then angry and frustrated. He was literally a rainbow of emotions. Li Chang Bo wanted to run his hand through his hair in frustration, but Xiao Bai had done it so beautifully recently and he didn't want to ruin her work. So he grabbed the next best thing he could get his hands on and shook it as best he could. And who would have thought, it was 0124.

[Ahhh, stop it. Let me go!!! My system will crash because of you!]

"Sorry, that was not my intention!" He let go of him. 0124 flew a safe distance away from him so as not to repeat what had just happened. He looked angrily at Li Chang Bo and fired micro-cannons at him in revenge. Of course, they did no damage and only bounced off him. [Whoever believes it]

"Anyway, I can't think of any reasonable reason why there would be two of Feng Yu Han's souls on this planet."

[Maybe it's just a coincidence? Things like this will happen in the future and you have to be prepared for it].

"I know, I know, but that is not what is confusing me at the moment." 0124 looked at him with a raised eyebrow, but decided to discard his half-assed answer.

[Then what is?]

"It is the fact that one soul is asleep while the other is awake. Don't you find that strange?" Li Chang Bo looked at the system with frustrated eyes, but the system could see that he was at his wits end. That glimmer of hope hidden in them, 0124 felt like it was screaming at him for reassurance.

[I can't deny that. But how do you want to approach this?]

"Do you remember what those scholars said?"

[Which scholars are you talking about? We have met countless of them.] 0124 searched his archives for the conversation between the scholars.

"The ones at the restaurant we went to after I snuck out of the palace." Li Chang Bo avoided eye contact with 0124 as he gave him a sideways glance and then continued with his work. Having found the recording of the conversation, he analysed it for useful answers. When he found them, he did not stop there, but continued his research through all the moments they had shared in this world.

[Oh, the day you decided to do something stupid and now you have to pay for it? Haha, I remember.]

"Can't you just shut up?! I am serious now! Anyway, those scholars were talking about how the Prime Minister went to visit the Emperor, who was in a coma at the time, and then fell into a coma himself. After that, the Emperor magically woke up from the coma and his personality changed. It wasn't a drastic change, but it was noticeable. And now I am trying to find out what was the trigger or the cause for that to happen. And how to wake up the Prime Minister".

[Now that you say it like that, this situation seems suspicious.]

[What if the Emperor's body and the Prime Minister's body are both suitable for containing the soul of the Lord God, and that is why his soul had entered the Emperor's body after the Prime Minister had gone to visit him].

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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